Be like Ruth in 30 days time.

Jules Rutherford
4 min readJun 8, 2024


I received an email this week from Ruth who has just achieved over 30 days of sobriety. What I loved about our exchange the most were these words: “there has been a noticeable shift this time”.

When I stopped drinking 7 years ago, my noticeable shift was the day I realised I had been writing about alcohol every day for months without noticing. The moment I saw those daily sentences, I knew something had to change.

After a few weeks, I could see a world of endless possibilities where I could be in control of changing my life for the better. Of course, there have been adjustments and bumps along the way but no matter what decisions or changes I have made, I know that I am always free to create the life I choose.

I couldn’t do that when I was drinking. I was obsessed with it. I was constantly checking my bank account to make sure there was enough for vodka. In the weeks when I was trying to be ‘good’ I would spend Monday through Wednesday (I didn’t work on Fridays so my weekend began on Thursdays!) in a state of constant negotiation with myself. I would be exhausted from the mental gymnastics I put myself through just to not drink. What a waste of my precious time and energy!

This is why I don’t always recommend counting the days — it only makes you think about alcohol every day!

My recommendation is to focus on what your heart wants. Beyond alcohol, beyond your excuses, fears and the lies you tell yourself, what is it that your heart truly wants?

I know it isn’t to spend every day obsessing about alcohol or trying not to obsess about it. What does freedom from alcohol look like for you? If it was 6 months from now and you had been sober all that time, what choices would you be making to change your life for the better?

This is the gift of sobriety. It puts the power of your knowledge, experience, intuition, and heart back into your hands and into your control. Always remember, you are a powerful human being who can let alcohol go with relative ease.

This is my goal in everything I create for you. I want you to have that shift for yourself so that you can begin to prioritise YOU and not alcohol.

You are so precious and deserve a life of freedom from this pointless liquid that does nothing but harm.

How can alcohol be more important than the life you need to live? Or the loved ones you need to cherish? Or the relationships you need to nurture and save? Or the peaceful, spiritual life you are craving?

Be like Ruth and make a start. It’s very likely you will have a shift in your thinking that enables you to stay sober.

Here’s what Ruth sent to me:

I am one day off completing your 30 day journal and completely understand the difference being sober has been.

1. Waking refreshed, excited to start my day.
2. Feeling calm and content all day.
3. Clear-headed to make good decisions
4. Focussing on my health and fitness
5. Not having to worry about what I’ve said or done the night before.
6. Taking up new hobbies.

The list could go on, but you know all this already. So pleased I came across your website that gave me the support to start my sober journey.

I wrote back to congratulate her and to seek her permission to share her story. Here’s what she replied:

Now 1 month, 4 days but like you, thinking about not counting but letting the timer run in the background.

I’m trying not to look too far ahead, but focussing on each day, and being mindful of the triggers and of course, remembering my WHY.

I tried a couple of other systems in the past, but there has been a noticeable shift this time, not only to me but to my loved ones too noticing. Looking at all the positives and benefits rather than what I might be missing (which lets face is not a lot at all when you analyse it).

Thanks again for putting together your journal, which has been inspiring.

My journal is currently on sale for £5.99. CLICK HERE

As I have mentioned, previously I am currently working on a rebrand and once that is done I will be revamping the journal and the price will increase. So if finances are a little tight, make sure you get it now while you can.

Be like Ruth, make a small investment in yourself, and make that your first step on your path to freedom.


Much love always, Jules xxx



Jules Rutherford

I'm a certified life coach, specialising in coaching women who want to live life free of alcohol.