Best of Love Poems: ‘Lily of the Valley

Verses by Vasile Alecsandri, translated by Julia Kalman

Julia Kalman
2 min readJan 4, 2024


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Photo by Nikola Tomašić on Unsplash

In the world, where flowers glow,
Many sweet and fragrant grow.
Yet, like you, dear lily fair,
None in all the world compare,
Sweetly scented, all may know.

You are tears from angels’ eyes,
Fallen from celestial skies,
As they sway among the stars,
Shedding sorrows from afar,
Whispers of divine goodbyes.

Photo by Evelin Horvath on Unsplash

Delicate and white you gleam,
Like my life’s most cherished dream.
With you, precious, tiny bloom,
Adornments in spring’s sweet room,
Nature’s elegant regime.

Yet, the chilly wind may blow,
Untimely, it lays you low.
Thus, fate’s hand in cruel jest,
Steals the beauty we…

