How to know it’s time for a new job

Julia Rine
4 min readMar 5, 2020

Should you start looking for a new job?

Here are some things to consider if you think it may be time to move on from your current work and start finding a new one.

Are you feeling stuck in your current work, and considering whether it’s time to get a new job? About a year ago, I decided it was time for a career change for myself. I was starting to get antsy in my current position, and I knew the feeling of rounding the 2 year mark. In my previous roles, when I started approaching 2 years in one position, I started to feel that gut feeling that I needed something new. It was starting to eat at me. I loved my position so much, but deep down I also knew it was time for me to move on. I struggled with the idea of leaving, but when I examined it deeper, it was because of the wonderful people I encountered, and not the actual job, so making the decision to move on was clearer- even though it was difficult.

Here’s a quick run down of the things that indicate to me that it’s time to move on, either from your industry or your current company, and get a new job.

Your current job leaves you feeling boredom or a sense of complacency

