The Rabbit R1: AI Device That’s More Than a Gadget

The initial batch of 10,000 R1 units was sold old in seconds

Julia Zhipa
3 min readJan 11, 2024 R1

The tech world is abuzz with the launch of Rabbit Inc's R1, a device that's redefining our interaction with technology. David Pierce, a seasoned tech journalist, highlights the R1's potential to reshape how we use apps and manage our digital lives. Let's delve into what the Rabbit R1 is, its standout features, and why it's generating so much excitement.

CES 2024: r1 from

What is the Rabbit R1?

At first glance, the Rabbit R1 might seem like a hybrid between a gaming console and a compact smartphone. But it's neither – and yet, it might just be the precursor to your smartphone's successor. Priced at $199, the R1 stands out with its 2.88-inch touchscreen, rotating camera, and a unique scroll wheel/button for navigation. Its hardware, including a 2.3GHz MediaTek processor, 4GB of memory, and 128GB of storage, is encased in a design created in collaboration with Teenage Engineering.

The Power of the Large Action Model (LAM)



Julia Zhipa

MS Computer Science. AI Consultant & Tech Educator. Fiction Writer & Screenwriter. Based in 🇺🇸 Follow my IG @juliazhipa