Mastering AWS Security - Key Remediation Steps Post-Well-Architected Review 🛡️

Julia Chotkiewicz
4 min readFeb 26, 2024

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The AWS Well-Architected Review (WAR) is a process designed to evaluate cloud infrastructure and applications running in the AWS environment to ensure they align with the best practices outlined in the AWS Well-Architected Framework. During the review with a client, I identify potential issues with their architecture that could impact the company’s operational efficiency, performance, reliability, security, costs, and sustainability (the six pillars of the framework), and then I aim to recommend remedial actions to enhance the environment’s efficiency and security, as well as improve other areas that are significant to the client. WAR might seem monotonous at first glance, yet this isn’t true, as each organization has its own individual cases, technological stack, and various organizational needs. Therefore, during the entire process, a personalized approach is crucial.

Over the past few months, I’ve devoted a lot of time at work to conducting AWS WARs. It’s an experience that isn’t always appreciated, but from the perspective of cloud development, it’s incredibly valuable. And I’m not just talking about what I personally can gain from such conversations and the entire WAR process, but most importantly, how it can enlighten and assist others in taking a holistic approach to what AWS offers.
In this article, let’s look at some of the many security remediation steps identified based on my recent experiences.

Strengthening Identity and Access Management (IAM)

  • The power of the root account is unmatched. Secure it with a strong, complex password and regular updates.
  • Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for the root account and all user accounts, especially those with high privileges.
  • Create and use IAM users with appropriate permissions instead of using the root account directly.
  • Regularly audit IAM credentials using tools like AWS IAM Credential Report and implement credential rotation policies and automation with AWS services such as AWS IAM, AWS Lambda, AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store, and AWS Secrets Manager.
  • Use AWS IAM Identity Center (SSO) for single sign-on and centralized access management.
  • Define policies regarding password strength, including minimum length and the use of various character types.
  • Configure monitoring for failed login attempts and respond promptly to any suspicious activities.
  • Regularly review and update access permissions, removing unnecessary or outdated access to maintain a principle of least privilege.
  • Provide employee training on security practices for AWS services and the risks associated with unsafe login practices.

Compliance and Governance

  • Identify and understand all compliance requirements applicable to your application, such as GDPR and PCI-DSS.
  • Conduct a detailed threat analysis and risk assessment for the environment.
  • Implement controls like data encryption and multi-factor authentication to achieve compliance objectives.
  • Regularly verify the effectiveness of implemented controls and document all processes and procedures.
  • Raise awareness among teams about security policies, compliance, and best practices.

Threat Detection and Incident Response

  • Subscribe to threat intelligence feeds, including the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) list, to stay ahead of new threats.
  • Consider using AWS GuardDuty, AWS Security Hub, and Amazon CloudWatch for automated monitoring and alerts on unusual activities.
  • Develop and regularly update an incident response plan. This preparation is crucial for a swift and effective response to security incidents, minimizing potential impacts on your operations.
  • Consider additional tools from AWS partners or external companies for more comprehensive threat analysis and protection.

Security Monitoring and Audit

  • Regularly review AWS Security Bulletins and follow AWS best practices and guidelines, including those in the AWS Well-Architected Framework.
  • Use AWS Config and other AWS tools for continuous monitoring and auditing of the AWS environment.
  • Enable logging for services like Amazon CloudWatch Logs, Amazon S3 Access Logs, and AWS CloudTrail. Customize log detail levels and configure automatic log monitoring tools.
  • Define log archiving and retention policies to meet regulatory requirements and enable long-term analysis.
  • Integrate logs with analysis tools for advanced log searching, reporting, and analysis such e.g. Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insights. You can use these 3rd party tools such as Splunk, Elasticsearch etc.
  • Plan regular log reviews to identify potential threats or configuration errors.

Data Protection and Encryption

  • Create a precise data catalog, classifying data based on sensitivity and significance to tailor protection measures.
  • Regularly audit data to ensure compliance with security policies and regulations.
  • Identify and secure personally identifiable information (PII) using encryption and other protection mechanisms.
  • Use AWS KMS for encryption key management, implementing key rotation and precise access control to keys.
  • Configure data access policies with IAM and monitor data access to prevent unauthorized attempts.
  • Define data deletion procedures for data no longer needed, utilizing tools like Amazon S3 Lifecycle for automatic deletion.
  • Ensure encryption for data at rest and in transit, applying appropriate security measures to protect keys from unauthorized access.

Network and Application Security

  • Implement robust network access control using Network Access Control Lists (NACLs) and Security Groups.
  • Use AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) and/or other protective 3rd party measures for web application protection.
  • Regularly scan for vulnerabilities using AWS Inspector and maintain software and dependencies up to date.
  • Minimize the number of exposed endpoints and services by applying the principle of least privilege.

Infrastructure Security and Resilience

  • Establish a regular schedule for penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities and improve security posture.
  • Utilize AWS CloudFormation, Terraform, and other infrastructure as code (IaC) tools for controlled and repeatable deployments.
  • Implement CI/CD practices using e.g. AWS CodePipeline with AWS CodeDeploy, Jenkins, or GitLab for automated testing and deployment.
  • Apply key security principles in deployment pipelines, conduct regular security audits, and use automated tools for continuous vulnerability scanning.

In conclusion, the AWS Well-Architected Review is more than just an assessment, it’s an action plan aimed at enhancing the security and compliance posture of the cloud environment. By implementing the identified remedial actions, organizations (including yours) cannot only reduce risk but also optimize performance and reliability, ensuring a secure and resilient cloud infrastructure.



Julia Chotkiewicz

Cloud Security Engineer | AWS Community Builder | AWS Certified | Talks about #aws, #cloud, #security, and #cybersecurityawareness