Introducing the LEDE Fellowship

Got an idea for a solutions journalism project in your community (and beyond)? The LEDE Fellowship could be a great opportunity.

Julia Hotz
4 min readJun 23, 2019

The Solutions Journalism Network is seeking pitches from entrepreneurs interested in launching a solutions journalism-oriented project in their community.

The LEDE Fellowship is an opportunity for entrepreneurs leading solutions journalism projects to connect and learn from each other, and accelerate the spread of solutions journalism, creating both local impact and seeding national conversations.

The goal is to channel the energy and enthusiasm we’ve seen from members around the world into something with great potential for impact on the local journalism ecosystem and to build cohorts of champions around the world leading SJ projects. Successful projects will:

LEVERAGE the network: Projects should harness the expertise and resources of other journalists, be they from your community or others who are experts in the issue your project will take on.

ENGAGE the community: Fellows should not only connect, support, and/or celebrate journalists doing solutions journalism, but should also engage the community that the journalism informs.

DISSEMINATE the knowledge: Projects must directly produce (or catalyze the production of) more solutions journalism. We also encourage fellows to share learnings and best practices among one another and with the broader SJN network.

ELEVATE what — or who — is missing: Whether it’s amplifying marginalized voices or telling stories that mainstream media otherwise misses, successful projects will help to tell the whole story about what’s working.

Here are some examples of what would qualify:

  • Producing a publication, podcast, or broadcast series with solutions-oriented coverage and creating community initiatives to build greater awareness or demand;
  • Collaborating with local journalists on a reporting project (outside the capacity of a newsroom) and engaging with local audiences to amplify that work;
  • Hosting a series of Jeffersonian Dinners or public events in your community, bringing together journalists (Editors Publishers!) and non-journalists (Mayors! City Councilmen! Superintendents!) to talk about how solutions journalism could change/improve your community and what an action plan might be;
  • Integrating solutions journalism into a local university or high school journalism school curriculum in a unique way;
  • Creating collaborations and connections as a solutions journalism ambassador in other journalism and community networks you belong to (e.g. National Association of Hispanic Journalists, National Association of Black Journalists, Online News Association, Society of Professional Journalists, etc.);
  • And a million other possibilities…

What you commit to:

  • Execute on the project that you pitch, abiding as much as is possible by the estimated scope, timeline, budget, etc.;
  • Be collaborative, entrepreneurial, and enthusiastic about both solutions journalism and the project on which you’re working for the entire duration of the program (August 2019 — August 2020)(which doesn’t necessarily have to overlap with the timeline of your project);
  • Join group webinars on a monthly basis. This program is built around an “All Teach, All Learn” model, sharing successes, challenges, and insights with your fellow fellows;
  • Produce a case study/video/shared learning collection for SJN channels that summarizes your insights and helps future leaders follow your trajectory;
  • Abide by SJN’s ethical standards.

Benefits of the program:

  • Candidates will be at the forefront of the solutions journalism global movement and connected to some of the most innovative thinkers in the field of solutions journalism;
  • Access to a community platform on which to share best practices, overcome challenges, and learn from each other’s successes (and failures);
  • Regular one-on-one check-ins with SJN staff to discuss the status of your project, monthly check-ins with your sub-cohort, and bi-monthly group chats among all of the fellows;
  • Curated connections to individuals in our 4,000+-member network of journalists around the world who could help you in some way with your project;
  • A $2,500 honorarium;
  • A ticket to the Solutions Journalism Summit (a $650 value).


  • Candidates must have taken the SJN in-person training or webinar;
  • Candidates must be either: (1) Journalists employed by a news organization or freelance journalists or teaching in a university program; (2) Journalism entrepreneurs and innovators; or (3) Journalism business and management executives;
  • This program is open to international applicants.

Criteria for Selection:

  • Passion, enthusiasm, and ability to execute on a project that accelerates the spread of solutions journalism;
  • Diversity of identity, geography, experience, and role;
  • Deep understanding of journalism and journalistic realities;
  • Entrepreneurial spirit, with an inclination to “take others with you”;
  • Collaborative and self-driven;
  • Compelling communicator with a unique and fun voice.

To apply:

Fill out the application located here.

Deadline to apply: July 21

Feel free to email with any questions.



Julia Hotz

Journalist reporting on what’s working to help children, adults, and communities thrive. Communities manager & podcast cohost @soljourno .