Julia HymaninUniversal HousingWe must begin to solve the affordable housing crisis nowMy grandfather was a great believer in lists, applying them to every situation. He made lists of ways to lead a happy life. He made lists…Dec 11, 2017Dec 11, 2017
Julia HymanWe must begin to solve the affordable housing crisis nowMy grandfather was a great believer in lists, applying them to every situation. He made lists of ways to lead a happy life. He made lists…Dec 11, 2017Dec 11, 2017
Julia HymanProcess of Constructing Affordable HousingTips for constructing affordable units:Dec 4, 2017Dec 4, 2017
Julia HymaninUniversal HousingProcess of Constructing Affordable HousingTips for constructing affordable units:Dec 4, 2017Dec 4, 2017
Julia HymanChallenges and Lessons in Constructing Affordable Housing“We must ask ourselves, Is it going to make money? Is it not going to make money? Are we going to do it anyway? How are we going to get…Nov 27, 2017Nov 27, 2017
Julia HymaninUniversal HousingChallenges and Lessons in Constructing Affordable Housing“We must ask ourselves, Is it going to make money? Is it not going to make money? Are we going to do it anyway? How are we going to get…Nov 27, 2017Nov 27, 2017
Julia HymanHow Universal Basic Housing WorksOn any given night, there are an average of 549,928 people who experience homelessness in the United States. 194,716 of these people are…Nov 20, 2017Nov 20, 2017
Julia HymaninUniversal HousingHow Universal Basic Housing WorksOn any given night, there are an average of 549,928 people who experience homelessness in the United States. 194,716 of these people are…Nov 20, 2017Nov 20, 2017
Julia HymanAlternative Solution to Basic IncomeWe are going to need a way to care for our citizens in the future and universal basic income simply isn’t going to cut it.Nov 13, 2017Nov 13, 2017
Julia HymaninUniversal HousingAlternative Solution to Basic IncomeWe are going to need a way to care for our citizens in the future and universal basic income simply isn’t going to cut it.Nov 13, 2017Nov 13, 2017