Human History Hides a Dark Psychological Truth: Social Anxiety

Julian Frazier, PhD
5 min readMar 29, 2023
Photo by mehdi lamaaffar on Unsplash

You’re walking down the street, perhaps a sidewalk. Ahead of you is a person walking the opposite way. At a glance, you discern that they appear disheveled. A weathered older, larger, man. Wild hair and beard scattered like a bird’s nest. Their clothes are dirty, torn in places and only vaguely fit them.

They don’t walk with a predictable gate, but rather, appear to shuffle or shamble every few steps. You can’t tell if they are darker-skinned or if their skin has been tanned and leathered by the sun. You presume they are homeless. As your eyes catch a snapshot of this person, their eyes as if by accident, meet yours.

There is no longer the opportunity to pretend like you both do not exist; to ignore this person like you might try to ignore others like him. To make matters worse, the sidewalk is narrow. You are walking toward one another.

In a situation like this, it is not uncommon to experience a swelling of anxiety; an innate fear response that denotes our body's “fight or flight” response preparing for the possibility to escape danger.

But why would we judge this person? Shouldn’t we reframe from judging a book by its cover? Are you prejudiced by judging this person as homeless? Is your fear indicative of an underlying bias that you have? Does your anxiety…



Julian Frazier, PhD

The musings of a Clinical Psychologist exploring the delicate art of humaning from as many absurd perspectives as possible. Let's get weird.