Amazing talk from Jurgen Appelo: Managing for Happiness

Juliana Stepanova
1 min readFeb 14, 2018


13.02.2018, Düsseldorf

#hafentalks, Jurgen Appelo, @InVisionDE

Key Learnings:

  • T-shirt test. Will your company pass a T-Shirt test, i.e. employees are happy to wear a T-Shirt with company logo?
  • No Roles & Titles
  • Metrics are always incomplete
  • OKRs: 70% — great job, 100% you are lazy. NO bonuses connected
  • Code review outside
  • Kudo cards with values, what I have done in last 14 days for company value
  • “You will not remember bullet points, but you will remember stories”
  • Feedback: 2 complements and 1 suggestion for improvement
  • “Why do you celebrate that you are an idiot?”

