The Little Prince: A Reflection

Juliana Wright
2 min readJan 15, 2019


One of my favorite stories is that of the Little Prince or Le Petit Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupéry. It is a story about a young boy who works each day to keep his asteroid a happy and livable place, he admires each and every one of the sunsets. He is content with his life until he finds a rose, his rose. He toils day and night to grow and protect this toxic, selfish rose that he falls in love with. After taking so much of these he must leave and explore many different aspects of humanity before reaching Earth. On Earth he finds a garden full of roses, this is what makes him realize his rose wasn’t special, but it was still his rose. This beautiful children’s book, which was also written for adults, shares and teaches a beautiful story about life and not taking it too seriously.

After reading this, I thought how although I am only a freshman in college, only barely 18. I see society, school, friends, expectations, and all cultivating me. I am learning and growing every day, but I am also aware that my creativity and childhood innocence is being suppressed. Antoine De Saint-Exupéry allowed me to reflect upon my life and see how I am being influenced in the world as it exists to me. I want to be able to enjoy a life where I don’t have to answer to how much money I make or how many people obey me…I want to live content in my own accomplishments and joy free from ridicule and the expectations of those around me.

I hope to continue to cultivate this idea of being okay with not knowing. Too often I torment myself to understand and to know the why. Why are we here? Why was I put into my situation? Why does y=mx+b? It is important to ask questions, but sometimes it is just as important to let the answers be flexible and open to more possibilities.

