Top 9 Benefits of Link Building For Your Business

Julian Goldie
6 min readJul 9, 2019

Are you wondering why your website isn’t ranking on Google?

Perhaps you’re struggling to outrank your competitors and hit the top spot?

Then the answer might be backlinks.

And in this guide, you’ll discover the top 9 benefits of link building — and how to take advantage of each one…

So if you want to drive more organic traffic to your website, keep reading (or check out my video below instead).

Get More Traffic To Your Website

If you’re interested in learning more about link building, don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel here.

I’ll be posting new guides and tutorials every week.

Now let’s dive in…

1. Drive More Search Engine Traffic To Your Website

Let’s start with the obvious one:

If you’re trying to increase your website’s rankings, then you need to realise that links are one of the most important ranking factors.

That’s why 91% of content on the internet never gets any traffic from Google:

Because Google sees external links to your website as a vote to say that your content is authoritative and credible.

Therefore link building is one of the most important ranking factors for your content on Google.

And no links often means no organic traffic.


2. Increase Your Website’s Overall Authority

Google looks for authority:

So if you want to rank your website, you need to demonstrate your credibility.

At the very top end of the scale, you can look at websites that consistently rank high on Google (like Forbes), and you’ll discover they have millions of backlinks!

Obviously, you don’t need that many — but this highlights the case.

With metrics like Ahref’s Domain Rating, there’s a common pattern:

The more links you have, the higher your website’s authority.

Whilst this is a bit of a vanity metric, it also helps you estimate how you compare VS your competitors.

So the more high quality backlinks you have to your website, the easier it’ll be to rank your content.

Wondering how to rank? Google have already confirmed links is one of their top 3 ranking factors.

3. Build Your Network

To build links to your site, you need to reach out to other webmasters.

Because if you simply ‘publish and pray’, you’ll be waiting forever!

So what’s the best way to build backlinks and grow your network?

For me, the strategy I use is cold email:

But this isn’t about spamming thousands of poorly written emails — there’s an art to it.

And if you nail your approach, you’ll discover that you can quickly grow your network and build relationships with other influencers in your niche.

When you build a network of webmasters, you’ll reap the benefits of new opportunities such as:

  • Finding potential affiliates and partnerships
  • Building an ‘army of sharers’ who will link to your future content as well
  • Landing new clients and customers
  • Feedback on your website and content

…I could yap on and on about this, but you get the gist!

4. Capture Referral Traffic

If you land a backlink from a page that receives a lot of traffic, you’ll gain some referral traffic too.

But let’s be honest, 1 backlink isn’t going to make a huge difference.

However, if you compound this over hundreds of links, you’ll start to see a reasonable amount of referral traffic come through.

So not only are you boosting your website’s rankings with links, you’re also increasing your referral traffic too.

5. Get The Drop On Your Competitors

Here’s the brutal truth:

Whitehat link building is hard.

And it’s only going to become more difficult.



  • Webmasters are tired of seeing dozens of poorly written, spammy outreach emails landing in their inbox everyday
  • Spam filters are stricter than ever for cold email outreach
  • A lot of blackhat link builders will pay for links (not recommended) — making it harder for you to build links organically
  • It’s a time consuming and complicated process, if you don’t have a good system in place

But that’s an advantage for you:

Because the majority of websites don’t know how to build links at scale, without resorting to blackhat, spammy techniques.

In fact, over 55% of pages on the web have NO backlinks pointing to them.

So this is your chance to get the drop on your competitors!

6. Reap The Rewards Of The ‘Compound Effect’

Over the long term, you’ll benefit from backlinks over and over again…

This is a classic case of short term gratification VS long term gratification:

Yes, link building requires time and patience.

But when you build links to your site, you won’t just grow your website’s traffic within a few months.

…You see, the effect of your links will pay off over and over again:

Not only should you see a rise in your website’s existing rankings, but you’ll also find it easier to rank your future content too.

And as this compounds over time, you’ll see a huge ROI.

7. Signal Your Website’s Credibility

I’m not just talking about your rankings on Google here:

Did you know that 49% of consumers depend on influencer recommendations?

Let’s say an influencer links to your website’s guide and recommends it to their audience.

Their audience already trusts the influencer — and therefore any recommendations they make too!


So if they click through to your website’s page, they’re more likely to:

  • Convert into sales (this is warm traffic via a referral, rather than traffic landing on your website cold)
  • Follow you and any future content you produce
  • Take a look around your website and learn more about your service/product

8. Grow Your Brand’s Visibility

It’s undeniable, branding is crucial:

But it takes 5–7 mentions to build brand awareness with your potential customers — which is something you can easily achieve with multiple links.

You see, a lot of backlinks come from brand mentions:

This is where a website will mention your company’s brand and link back to it.

So with link building, you’re growing your brand’s visibility.

9. Gain A Direct ROI On Your Sales

Did you know 2.5 quintillion bytes of content is created every day?

There’s a reason why so much content is produced on a daily basis…


More traffic = more customers, sales and revenue.

And the easiest way to grow your website’s search engine traffic is with backlinks.

So this creates a direct return on investment for your business.

The more you invest into links, the more your business is going to grow.

How To Do Link Building Right

So to sum it up, the benefits of link building for your business are clear…

By driving more backlinks to your website, you’ll:

  • Drive more search engine traffic to your website
  • Increase your website’s overall authority
  • Build your network
  • Capture referral traffic
  • Get the drop on your competitors
  • Reap the rewards of the ‘Compound Effect’
  • Signal your website’s authority to Google
  • Grow your brand’s visibility
  • Gain a direct ROI on your sales

Sounds great so far right?

But here’s the rub:

When it comes to links, you need to focus on quality…

Building low quality, blackhat links isn’t just a step in the wrong direction, it could also lead to a Google penalty if you really mess it up.

So focus on building whitehat, authoritative links that grow your website’s credibility.

Need More Help With Link Building?

Check out my video below to get started or contact me via if you have any questions about link building.

Here’s some more useful resources for link building:



Julian Goldie

SEO Whitehat Link Builder | | I help sites get more traffic & customers with SEO