Google has terminated my activities and Google Play Developer Account

6 min readMar 20, 2019


If you’re an Android app developer or want to start this activity, it’s very important that you read this.

I’m calling on all Android app developers to share this article and force Google to change their automatic termination policies for Google Publisher accounts.

The question today that any Android developer is asking is: “should we boycott Google and publish their creations on another store”?

About 2 years ago, I started creating Android apps to publish on Google Play.
In total I had to create a dozen applications of which 1 stood out because it had no less than 100 000 installations, the notes on my applications ranged from 4 to 5 stars.
As a beginner in this field I was pretty happy to see that my apps were working and could also bring back some revenue streams.
As a self-employed entrepreneur, you should know that this “developer” activity was part of my main activity.

And one day, I decided (on the good advice of google) to add translations to the form of my application, I added English and Spanish and so I send the update of my application form via my Google Publisher account.

Then early January 2019 I receive a mail from Google with this:

Google suspended my app when it was there for years, why Google has suspended the application? We do not know and, to tell the truth, even they do not know what to say when I ask them the question. It’s hard to believe a company as famous as Google and yet so.

As a result of the suspension of my application, I decided to republish it under another name for that evening accepted by Google and indeed the application has been accepted.
This is the same app that was previously suspended in January.

The weeks pass, then I decide to update the application at the design level, then I launch the update via the Publisher account and a few hours later I receive this:

Here I start to tell myself if there is not a trainee at Google who wants to have fun a little by blocking applications whenever he wants.
At that time I had a doubt about the reliability of Google, is not it dangerous to work with them whose source of income I was coming from home, and if they ever decided to remove my day account without any reason?

So I decided to republish a third time my application under a different name and there on February 11, 2019 I receive this:

Here it is, Google has decided to close my Google Publisher account (account that I call is paying unlike AmazonStore) for so-called too many attempts to failed publications.
So if I understand correctly, at Google if you have the misfortune to publish an application 3 times that is suspended by Google, it closes your account.
Is that indicated in their general condition? Is it legal? In any case at no time did they warn me and at no time they wanted to restore my account, at no time did they want to look for where the problem came from with my application.
Still if at least Google told us what is the image, the piece of code, the sentence or something else that suspended the application, but they are unable, it is they who say it, they do not know .
This is very annoying, to say that I work with a company that is wobbly is very risky for me as an entrepreneur to have such a reliable partner.

From there, I filled the form to try to recover my account but in vain, their answer was not to be able to help me, the opposite would have surprised me.

So I found this number of Google in Paris that I called:

But no answer, nobody on the phone.

I tried various form of Google and Google chat but still no response.
Some developers advised me to contact “Google dev relationship” on Twitter or Linkedin, which I did, but no answer, nothing.

Here are all the people I contacted in Linkedin without answer:
Adriana Puchianu
Aleksandra Ben Har
Thierry Muller
Mark Masterson
Paul Kinlan
Kubra Zengin
Jaime Gonzalez
Nicolas Bortolotti
and Google Play Director:
Purnima Kochikar

You also need to know that a few days after receiving the closing e-mail from my account, Google removed Admob ads from my apps that were already installed on users’ smartphones, by doing this they cut off any revenue inflow from my activity developer.

We are very numerous to have had our account suspended without any reason, it is time that Google reacts.
If you too have experienced the same thing, share this article a maximum and give us your opinion in comment.

If on the other hand as a developer you have not yet experienced this, I hope you are well aware that our activities are not so reliable when working with Google, you must plan something else in case Google decides a day to close your account when it suits you, which I do not wish you.

I thank the developers Mark Dodson and Pablo A. Martinez whose articles inspired me and motivated me to publish mine and I invite you too to do it if you are in the same case as us.

For the moment I paused my creations hoping that someone from Google goes through and tries to analyze my file to be able to recover my Publisher account, we never know.


Just to clarify because reading my article some members have misunderstood or I misspoke.

1) Why have I republished my app if it was removed?
The idea comes from Google, when my application was deleted the first time, I asked information on their forum, no one could tell me why it had been deleted and I had been advised to republish because they were the algorithms of Google who are concerned with deleting or not this or that application and it is quite possible that there was an error on that and that there would be no suppression.
I also contacted Google via their form and got the same answer.

2) In this case if Google had not advised me to republish it I would not have done and I would have created other applications and I would have continued to keep my account?
Yes that's it.

3) Am I an isolated case?
Not at all, several developers have had the same fate as me and all deplore the lack of communication of Google on this problem.

