What is Forest Therapy?

And the benefits I am noticing after just 4 months of practice

Julianne Buchler


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

What is Forest Therapy?

This is the question I had when a close friend and mentor of mine suggested that I sign up for a course to train as a Certified Forest Therapy Guide, run by the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT) this past January.

“It seems to me that this would be a very good fit for you right now,” she said.

After reviewing the website for approximately 10 minutes, I agreed and signed up.

After beginning the course on January 22nd, 2022 (four months ago), I started to gain a basic understanding of the objective and origin of Forest Therapy.

This is summarized in the “Introduction for Participants,” I wrote for the first assignment a few weeks into the course:

“You may have heard of the term “forest bathing,” which is a translation from the Japanese term, Shinrin-Yoku. This term originated in Japan when the government started to notice an increase in stress-related illness and suicide from “over-work.” To combat this, investment and research into health benefits from spending time in nature were accelerated. Scientific discoveries included the identification of chemicals produced by conifer trees, termed…



Julianne Buchler

Top Writer in Parenting. Author, Writer, Speaker. MBA and former RN. Writes about nurturing ourselves, our children, and the planet. www.JulianneWrites.com