Importing Living Cookbook Recipes into RecipeSage

Julian Poyourow
3 min readNov 5, 2019


Living Cookbook went offline in early 2016 leaving users stranded. The software no longer activates it’s license on newer versions of Windows, which means many have lost access to their recipe collection.

This article is a tutorial for those affected by the demise Living Cookbook. RecipeSage ( is free (donation based), and has similar functionality to what Living Cookbook used to offer.

RecipeSage can import a number of different Living Cookbook file formats, including .lcb, .fdx, and .fdxz. If you are able to export a copy of your Living Cookbook as one of these file formats, or find the database in your computer, you can import your recipes into RecipeSage!

Step 1: Find Your Living Cookbook Database File

You’ll need to find Living Cookbook’s .lcb file on your hard disk, or export your recipes as one of these formats: .lcb, .fdx, or .fdxz.

If you’re having trouble finding your database file or exporting it as one of those formats, you can email for help.

Step 2: Create a RecipeSage Account

RecipeSage Create Account Page

You’ll need a RecipeSage account to start — Fortunately, it’s free and doesn’t require much information. You’ll need to enter your name (or a nickname), your email, and a password. That’s it!

Step 3: Navigate to the import page

RecipeSage Side Menu

Your recipe collection will start empty — to start off, you’ll need to open the side menu (click the 3 horizontal bars in the top left corner), and click “Settings”.

Top Half of the Settings Page

On the settings page (as seen above), click “Import Recipe Data”, and then “Import from Living Cookbook”.

Step 4: Options, Upload, and Import

RecipeSage Living Cookbook Import Page

Select your import options. It’s recommended to leave the settings as they are, but if you want to customize how your recipes are imported, feel free to check any boxes that apply.

Select your database file by clicking the “Choose … File” button.

Upload your database by clicking the “Upload and Import” button.

Step 5: Wait for Your Database to Upload

Uploading can take some time, especially if your database is large or if your internet connection is slow. If the connection is interrupted, you’ll need to retry the upload.

After the upload is complete, RecipeSage will extract and process your recipes. You’ll see them show up in your recipe collection a few minutes after the upload is complete.

That’s it

If you have problems, you can always send an email to Julian at RecipeSage (, or via any of the social media platforms listed in the about page.

Hopefully you found this article helpful!





Julian Poyourow

I’m a JavaScript developer specializing in interactive technologies. I work for 2U inc. and build RecipeSage — I love React, Angular, and Node.JS.