What Is The Royal Arch

Esoteric Freemasons
11 min readApr 1, 2024


The Royal Arch is one of the most important degrees in Freemasonry. It is the continuation of the Third Degree and is considered to be the “gateway to further knowledge” in Freemasonry. It is also known as the “Root and Source of Masonry” because it forms the basis of many other Masonic orders. The Royal Arch degree teaches important moral and spiritual lessons, which are meant to help Masons grow in their understanding of Freemasonry.

The Royal Arch is a degree in Freemasonry, which is the highest degree of the York Rite system of Masonic degrees. It is sometimes referred to as ‘the gateway to further light’ and is considered to be the most important of all Masonic degrees. The Royal Arch represents a spiritual journey that leads to growth and enlightenment. The ritual and symbolism of this degree are said to be based on teachings from the Bible, and it is focused on knowledge, spiritual growth, and moral lessons.

History of The Royal Arch

The Royal Arch is a part of Freemasonry, the world’s oldest and largest fraternity. It is sometimes referred to as the “Fourth Degree” or “Mark Master Mason.” The Royal Arch is an important part of Masonic tradition, and its history reaches back centuries.

Early History

The Royal Arch has its roots in the stonemason guilds of medieval Europe. These were organizations of skilled craftsmen who built the great cathedrals and castles of Europe. They used secret symbols and passwords to identify one another, and these symbols and passwords became part of the Freemasonry tradition when it was founded in 1717.

Modern Developments

In 1813, English Freemasons established the Supreme Grand Chapter, a governing body for all Royal Arch masons in England and Wales. This helped to standardize rituals and promote uniformity among lodges. In America, the General Grand Chapter was founded in 1817 to oversee American lodges.


The Royal Arch has several distinct levels or degrees that members must progress through in order to reach the highest level — Excellent Master Mason. Each degree has its own ceremonies and rituals that must be performed before a member can advance to the next level.

Rituals & Symbolism

As with other Masonic orders, much of what happens during a Royal Arch ceremony is shrouded in secrecy. However, some aspects are public knowledge, such as certain symbols found throughout Masonic ceremonies that represent abstract concepts like truth, justice, charity, etc. Other symbols include tools used by stonemasons such as compasses and squares, which symbolize moral guidance and discipline respectively.

In Reflection

The Royal Arch is an important part of Masonic tradition that dates back centuries. It has its roots in medieval stonemason guilds and has evolved over time with modern developments such as governing bodies for lodges in England and America. It consists of several degrees that members progress through with various rituals involving symbolism related to stonemasonry tools as well as abstract concepts associated with Freemasonry values such as truth, justice, charity etc.

The Royal Arch in Freemasonry

The Royal Arch is the highest degree of Freemasonry and remains a mysterious and controversial part of the craft. It is believed to have originated in the late 1700s as an extension of the traditional Blue Lodge degrees. The Royal Arch is sometimes referred to as “The Fourth Degree” or “The Secret Master’s Degree” and it is generally accepted that it involves the study of Ancient Wisdom, Jewish Mysticism, and a search for a lost Word.

Role in Freemasonry

The Royal Arch is an integral part of modern Freemasonry and has been since its inception. It is seen as an extension of the traditional Blue Lodge degrees, with its teachings focusing on spiritual knowledge and enlightenment. It is also believed to represent the bridge between physical and spiritual realities, with its members seeking to understand both realms.

In addition to providing members with further insight into Masonic principles, the Royal Arch also serves an important role in preserving the history of Freemasonry. As such, it contains many ancient symbols, rituals, and teachings which can help us better understand our past.

Symbols Used

Many symbols are used in connection with the Royal Arch, including those associated with Ancient Egypt, Solomon’s Temple, Moses’ journey through the wilderness, Noah’s Ark, David’s victory over Goliath, and more. Each symbol has its own special meaning which can be used to help guide members along their spiritual journey.


The Royal Arch also contains elements of mysticism which are designed to help members explore their inner selves more deeply. Through meditation and contemplation of various symbols from history, members can gain a greater understanding of themselves as well as their place in the universe. This often leads to a greater understanding of themselves as well as their relationship with God or a Higher Power.

In Reflection

The Royal Arch is an important part of Freemasonry which helps preserve its history and provides members with further insight into its principles through symbols and mysticism. Through meditation on these symbols and teachings one can gain a greater understanding not only about themselves but about their place in this universe.

The Origins of The Royal Arch

The Royal Arch, also known as the “Secret Vault” or the “Fourth Degree”, is a degree of Freemasonry that is considered to be one of the oldest and most important. It is believed to have originated in the 18th century and has been a part of many rituals and traditions since its inception.

The Royal Arch has a long and deep history, beginning with its association with King Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem. This connection is thought to have been made by Christopher Wren, who designed St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, and was himself a Freemason. He believed that the secrets of King Solomon’s Temple were hidden beneath St. Paul’s Cathedral, and that they could be unlocked through the use of Masonic rituals.

In addition to its links to King Solomon’s Temple, The Royal Arch is also associated with another important figure from history: George Washington. Washington was an influential figure in American Freemasonry, having served as Master Mason for both Alexandria-Washington Lodge №22 and Federal Lodge №1. He also held office in Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania from 1788–1793, during which time he was said to have taken part in several Royal Arch ceremonies.

Development Of The Royal Arch

Since its inception, The Royal Arch has evolved over time into what it is today; a complex system of symbols, secrets and rituals that are used by Masons around the world to deepen their understanding of Freemasonry and practice their craft more effectively.

One key development in the history of The Royal Arch was the introduction of an initiation ceremony which included symbolic references to King Solomon’s Temple and other Biblical stories. This ceremony has become an integral part of modern day Masonic ceremonies and serves as a reminder for Freemasons about their core principles and values as well as their place in society at large.

Another important milestone in the evolution of The Royal Arch came with the adoption of a new set of regulations known as “Anderson’s Constitutions”. This document outlined how meetings were to be conducted, who should attend them, what should occur during them and how decisions should be made within them; all elements which are still used today by lodges around the world when conducting meetings or taking votes on matters concerning their memberships or activities within their local communities.

Therefore, there have been many advancements made over time to ensure that The Royal Arch remains relevant for modern Masons; from introducing new technology such as computerized records systems to ensure accuracy when tracking memberships or making payments; to creating new rituals such as those involving charitable donations or public service initiatives which promote Freemasonry’s core values while providing tangible benefits for those within society who are less fortunate than others.

History of the Royal Arch

The Royal Arch, also known as Chapter Masonry, is an appendant body of Freemasonry. It is believed to be the oldest and most widely practiced form of Freemasonry in the world. The earliest references to the Royal Arch can be traced back to 1745 in England. Over the years, the Royal Arch has become an integral part of Freemasonry and has been accepted by all Grand Lodges around the world.

Structure of The Royal Arch

The structure of The Royal Arch is similar to that of a Masonic Lodge. Each Chapter is composed of four officers, including a Principal (Senior Warden), a First Principal (Junior Warden), a Second Principal (Senior Deacon) and a Third Principal (Junior Deacon). In addition, each Chapter is led by a Grand Master and his Deputy Grand Master.

Purpose of The Royal Arch

The purpose of The Royal Arch is to provide education and instruction in Masonic principles and philosophies. It also serves as an opportunity for members to network with other members from different parts of the world and discuss topics related to Freemasonry. Through this type of interaction, members are able to strengthen their bonds with one another and advance their knowledge about Freemasonry as a whole.

Practices in The Royal Arch

The practices within The Royal Arch are similar to those within any other Masonic Lodge. Members gather for regular meetings where they come together in harmony and friendship, discuss topics related to Freemasonry, perform rituals and ceremonies related to Masonic teachings, and enjoy fellowship with one another. Additionally, members are encouraged to participate in charitable activities that benefit their communities as well as others around them.

In reflection, The Royal Arch plays an important role in Freemasonry by providing education and instruction on Masonic principles while also allowing members to form strong bonds with one another through networking and fellowship opportunities. Through these activities, members can further their knowledge about Freemasonry while also strengthening their relationships with each other.

Membership of The Royal Arch

The Royal Arch is an important part of the Masonic tradition and is considered by many to be the completion of a Master Mason’s journey. Membership of this order is open to all Master Masons, although some Grand Lodges may have additional requirements. Here are some key points to consider when applying for membership of The Royal Arch:

  • It is a separate organisation from the Craft Lodges.
  • Candidates must have already been initiated into the Craft and progressed to the rank of Master Mason.
  • It involves an additional degree, which is often referred to as “the Royal Arch Degree”.
  • Membership requires a recommendation from two Master Masons who are already members of The Royal Arch.
  • The rituals and ceremonies associated with the degree are significantly different from those in the Craft Lodges.
  • Membership gives access to exclusive meetings, events and activities.

The process for becoming a member of The Royal Arch can vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, so it’s important to check with your local Grand Lodge for specific information about your area. Generally, though, there will be an application form which needs to be filled out and submitted along with any required fees or dues. Once you’ve been accepted, you’ll need to attend a meeting or ceremony at which your admission will be confirmed. After that, you’ll officially become a member of The Royal Arch and gain access to all its benefits and privileges.

Understanding the Degrees Within The Royal Arch

The Royal Arch is one of the most important and oldest degrees in Freemasonry, and is a must for all those who wish to progress further. It is an essential part of the York Rite, and consists of four degrees: Mark Master Mason, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and Royal Arch Mason. Each degree has its own distinctive ceremony and teachings, which provide unique insights into the Masonic Craft.

The Mark Master Mason Degree emphasizes on the importance of good character, hard work, integrity and fidelity in the craft. During this degree, members learn about ancient stone masons who built Solomon’s Temple and their importance in Freemasonry. This degree also teaches members how to properly evaluate candidates for admission into Freemasonry.

The Past Master Degree is more focused on understanding Masonic ritualism. It focuses on the use of symbols to convey important messages and teachings to its members. During this degree members are taught about the symbolism behind various tools used by stone masons in Solomon’s Temple. This includes learning how these tools are used to teach moral lessons.

The Most Excellent Master Degree is focused on leadership skills and teaches members how to be effective leaders within their lodge. During this degree members learn how to be responsible officers in their Lodge as well as how to properly conduct themselves in order to become respected amongst their peers.

Therefore, The Royal Arch Mason Degree focuses on providing members with a deeper understanding of Freemasonry and its teachings. During this degree members are taught about King Solomon’s Temple where traditional Masonic rituals were performed as well as deeper interpretations of various Masonic symbols. This degree also teaches members about various secrets within Freemasonry that can help them gain a greater understanding of the craft.

Symbols and Allegory of The Royal Arch

The Royal Arch is an important part of Freemasonry. It is a symbolic journey that explores the journey of spiritual growth. The symbols and allegories used in the Royal Arch are powerful tools to help us understand our spiritual selves and the universe around us. Here are some of the key symbols and allegories used in the Royal Arch:

• The Three Grand Masters: The three Grand Masters represent the three aspects of the divine- Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. This symbolizes our connection to God, and how we must seek his guidance on our spiritual journey.

• The Two Pillars: The two pillars represent strength, stability, and balance. This symbolizes our need for these qualities in order to stay on our path towards spiritual growth.

• The Keystone: The Keystone is a symbol of knowledge, truth, and wisdom. This symbolizes our need to seek knowledge and wisdom in order to embark on a successful spiritual journey.

• The Triple Tau: The Triple Tau is a symbol of eternity, infinity, and unity with God. This symbolizes that we must strive for unity with God in order to find true enlightenment.

• The Ark of Iniquity: The Ark of Iniquity is a reminder that we must strive to overcome any spiritual temptations we encounter on our journey towards enlightenment.

• The Seven Steps: The seven steps represent the seven stages of spiritual growth- from birth to enlightenment- which we must go through in order to achieve true understanding of ourselves and the universe around us.

These symbols are powerful reminders for us all as we take this symbolic journey towards enlightenment through the Royal Arch. As we explore these symbols, we can gain insight into what it means to be truly enlightened and how best to achieve true understanding through this ancient ritual.

mozart freemason

Final Words On What Is The Royal Arch

The Royal Arch is a powerful symbol of fraternity, unity and personal growth. It is an important part of Masonic tradition and has long been a source of inspiration for many members of the fraternity. It is a reminder that we are all connected by our shared values and principles, and that our differences can be celebrated rather than seen as something to be feared. As members of the Royal Arch, we must strive to live up to its ideals and use its lessons to guide us in our everyday lives.

The Royal Arch also serves as a reminder that while we may come from different backgrounds, cultures and beliefs, there is something that connects us all: the universal principles of brotherhood and charity. We must never forget this common bond, and strive to create a better world for ourselves and those around us. Through our commitment to these ideals, we can make a difference in our communities by providing support, guidance and love to all those in need.

In reflection, the Royal Arch is an important symbol of unity and brotherhood that should be respected by all Freemasons. Its lessons can help us learn how to better appreciate each other’s differences while still working together towards common goals. By upholding its principles, we can create a more positive world for ourselves and those around us.



