Map your TypeScript Enums

Julia Passynkova
1 min readApr 7, 2017


ES6 introduced Map that is a key/value data structure that should be very familiar to Java and .NET developers. In JavaScript we always had a object literal that quite similar to Map except of one big limitation. Object literal requires to have key as a string and Map supports any object. Let’s try to see how we can use Enum with Map in Angular 2 templates.

Define enum

Let say we have typescript enum.

enum Fruits {

Typescript transpilers the enum values to integers. It is easy to check with typescript playground at

var Fruits;
(function (Fruits) {
Fruits[Fruits["APPLE"] = 0] = "APPLE";
Fruits[Fruits["ORANGES"] = 1] = "ORANGES";
})(Fruits || (Fruits = {}));

Define Map

Using Enum as key we can create ES6 Map that maps enum key to meaningful message.

const FruitsName = new Map<number, string>([
[Fruits.APPLE, 'Yummy Apples'],
[Fruits.ORANGES, 'Big Oranges']

Angular component Template

Now you can use enum and Map in the template and have pretty readable code.

selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<li (click)="selected(fruits.APPLE)">
<li (click)="selected(fruits.ORANGES)">
export class App {
constructor() {
this.fruitsName = FruitsName;
this.fruits = Fruits;
selected(fruit) {



Julia Passynkova

Front-End developer working as an independent contractor with Angular and React in Toronto, Canada.