Why cured banana leaves are best for rolling?

Julia Robert
3 min readJan 28, 2022


Smoking has been a part of human history for a long. The methods to consume dry intoxications are ever-evolving and changing. With various innovations and adaptations to newer processes and methodologies, people consume the vapors and keep smoldering. The consumption of curved banana leaves is on a rise as one of the best alternatives to traditional ways and methods.

As a part of newer innovations in the spheres of dry and smoldering intoxication, people started using banana leaves for rolling. The number of people using banana leaves for rolling is significantly rising and people have started considering curved banana leaves as the best option for rolling.

Banana leaves are the new site of innovation for the people. The usage of curved banana leaves is at an all-time high. It is being used to consume weed and companies like Million bananas are offering the value addition as a product that is getting popular among the masses. Let us know why this product from millions banana is getting popular and why curved banana leaves are considered as the best option for rolling and consuming weed.

Why banana leaves are the best for rolling?

#1. Natural: These leaf wraps are natural, unlike the alternate products to use weed. The paper used in cigarette and other smoking stuff is synthesized and processed with the help of machines whereas the banana leaf is organic and therefore, less harmful for weed consumers.

#2. Vegan: The banana leaf wraps are considered to be vegan, unlike the traditional methods and products. Vegan is the new normal nowadays and during these Covid-19 times, people try as much as possible to use whatever claims to be vegan.

#3. No Synthetics used: Synthetic products are considered and proved to be harmful to the body whereas, organic is the science of fitness. The curved banana leaf wraps are considered more natural, organic, and least synthetic due to their availability and easy and ready-to-use process.

#4. No preservatives: Take a Burger from McDonald’s and keep it in a time machine capsule. You can find no change in the burger even after 20 years and that’s what preservatives do.

Banana leaf wraps, as an alternate to the traditional papers and other stuff, is not using any preservatives. That’s how it offers a better option to consume weed as compared to the traditional paper and other stuff.

#5. Non-GMO: Companies like Million Banana use no GMO produce while offering you curved banana leaves as an alternative to consume weed. Hence, another reason to prioritize healthy options as compared to the hazardous roll paper.

Considering all the aforesaid points, one can easily conclude that the curved banana leaves are the best alternate for rolling. Banana Leaves are considered the best tobacco blunt wrap alternate. They are natural, offer a slow-burning experience with no harsh effects.


Million Bananas is the pioneer in Banana Leaf blunt cone providers.

