The Future of Education Technology: Trends in Higher Education

Julie Buffany
4 min readJan 16, 2019


American University’s School of Education predicts the future of education technology. Originally published:

As technology has evolved, every aspect of our lives has changed. How we are educated is no exception. Today, classrooms all around the world are gradually being equipped with technology and innovations intended to enhance learning and help students succeed. Educators and legislators alike understand that the latest innovations in technology can be leveraged to help improve student outcomes from kindergarten through college and beyond.

It’s an exciting time to be a student or an educator. The latest trends and technologies are poised to permanently change and improve academics, resulting in a more educated workforce and a more engaging classroom for individual students. Tech tools not only help students learn, they also help teachers become more effective. While some of these emerging trends are in the distant future, others are actually making their way into classrooms every day. Here are some of the ways technology is shaping the future of education.

Emerging Trends in Education Are Closer Than You Think

If your memory of school involves a TV wheeled into the classroom on a cart, then it might be hard to conceptualize the idea of AI (Artificial Intelligence) helping children learn. But these trends are closer than you’d think, and more and more digital tools are replacing paper-based learning every year. In fact, according to American University, 75 percent of educators believe that by 2026, classrooms will be completely digital, and replace textbooks by 2026.

In many ways, though, students are far ahead of teachers when it comes to using innovative technology. Many educators have reservations about embracing new technology in the classroom, while students are more likely to be excited about these new options.

Some trends, like gamification, are aimed at making learning more fun and engaging for students. Others, like AI, are on the path to help improve personalization in schools and create “smart classrooms”. Personalized learning is the future, and it helps to ensure that students are continually challenged but not overwhelmed by their curriculum. Students who grasp concepts quickly can move at their own pace, while others who might need a bit more help will be able to get extra attention in areas they struggle with. Finally, there is a trend to introduce coding and robotics into the classroom, helping students gain skills to be competitive in today’s job market.

Developing Trends in Higher Education

College students, who are closest to entering the workforce than any other group, need to have applicable skills when they graduate. Just like in other classrooms, technology is slowly becoming integrated into the halls of higher education. Students often use online learning management systems, or even take all their classes remotely. New programs at universities have emerged to meet the workforce’s shifting demands. Now, students can study subjects like cybersecurity and data science, tech-focused programs that were not available previously. Higher education can be a slow-moving industry, but administrators are becoming more aware of the need to incorporate technology into their school’s learning design plan.

The Future of Education Technology Starts With Students

Barriers in edtech typically have to do with funding and teachers’ attitudes about introducing these tools into the classroom. Some schools struggle to get teachers on board, whether at the kindergarten level or the college level. Without the proper teacher mindset, even the most effective technology will not provide its maximum potential benefit to students.

Because of this, the future of education technology needs to start with students and their needs. Teachers may be more willing to embrace technology if they see how it will help and engage students. One of the roles of school is to prepare students for a career when they reach adulthood. Today, the overwhelming majority of jobs require that employees know how to use computers and the STEM (Science, Engineering, Technology, and Math) fields are growing quickly. By 2022, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts an increase of 1 to 9 million openings in STEM fields. Students can help encourage the use of technology in the classroom by getting a head start on STEM education as early as possible and embracing tech at school.

The Role of Educators in Tomorrow’s Classrooms

Some teachers may be uncomfortable with technology in the classroom, but the truth is that these trends indicate a number of huge shifts in the role of educators. Technology will not replace teachers, but educators need to learn how to leverage these tools properly so that they augment teachers’ efforts. Edtech will also require some philosophical shifts — teaching students how to think critically will become the most important role of an educator. Regardless of the trends, however, teachers will be as important as ever in the classroom of the future.

