Academized Review with Short Summary⏱️for Fast Decision

Julie Swann
21 min readOct 12, 2023


The world of online academic writing is vast and varied, with countless platforms vying for students’ attention. Enter, a service that stands out not just for its claims but for its proven track record. Academized is a dedicated academic writing service designed to support students.

My own encounter with them was memorable, to say the least, which is why I’ve taken the time to craft this Academized review. Here, I’ll share my personal experience, offering insights into their operations, quality, and commitment to student success. Join me as we unravel the offerings of and what makes it a premier choice for academic assistance.

Academized review cover

Quick Summary of My Academized Review

Overall Rating: 9.8/10 💖
Prices: $12.99/page
Subjects: 75 + any custom subject
Types of papers: 30 + any custom type
Paper formats: MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard, OSCOLA + custom on demand
Urgency: 3 hours — 2 months
Discount code: “ACADEMIZED15” = 15% off first order
Country: U.S., but other regions covered
Features checklist: Money-back policy ✔️ Writer selection ✔️ Verified writers ✔️ 24/7 support ✔️ WhatsApp support ✔️ Anonymous service ✔️ Protected payments ✔️ Original writing ✔️ No AI content ✔️
Paper passed TurnItIn ✔️

Website address:

Key Findings:

  1. User Experience: offers an intuitive and user-friendly platform, simplifying the process for students seeking writing help.
  2. Service Spectrum: Their comprehensive range of academic services ensures all student needs are catered to, from simple essays to complex dissertations.
  3. Writing Quality: The research paper I received showcased high standards of research, knowledge, and writing, consistent with premium academic writing services.
  4. Affordability: Transparent pricing starting at $12.99 per page coupled with periodic discounts, such as the ACADEMIZED15 code, ensures top-tier academic assistance is accessible for all.
  5. Customer Support: Their multi-channel support system, spanning chat, email, phone, and WhatsApp, ensures efficient and timely assistance at all stages.
  6. Data Privacy: Academized places a strong emphasis on user confidentiality and security, implementing stringent data protection measures and offering secure payment options.

First Impressions

Upon first visiting the website, I was immediately struck by its clean design and intuitive layout. The platform exudes professionalism, with clearly defined sections that make navigation a breeze, even for someone who isn’t particularly tech-savvy. The range of services, prominently displayed, indicated their comprehensive approach to academic writing, promising assistance from basic essays to intricate research projects and everything in between.

Academized homepage overview

The platform’s homepage also offers a quick glance at customer feedback, and as I scrolled through, the positive Academized reviews caught my eye. Many students, hailing from diverse academic backgrounds, had left glowing testimonials of their experiences, adding to my growing confidence in the platform. The clarity of information, coupled with the comprehensive list of services and the accompanying positive feedback, painted a picture of a well-rounded and competent service.

It’s worth noting that a service’s website is often reflective of its dedication to user experience. In this regard, had already made a strong impression, signaling a commitment not just to quality writing but also to ensuring that users have a seamless journey from start to finish. The full scale of academic writing services they offered was a testament to their versatility and ability to cater to a broad spectrum of academic needs.

Range of Services Offered

One of the standout features of, which I was quick to appreciate, is the vast array of academic writing services they provide. Their comprehensive offerings cater to students across all academic levels, ensuring that whether you’re a high school student in need of a simple essay or a doctoral candidate seeking help with a complex dissertation, Academized has got you covered.

Types of papers covered by Academized:

  • Essay (any type)
  • Research paper
  • Coursework
  • Term paper
  • Discussion board post
  • Case study
  • Proposal
  • Thesis
  • Dissertation (full paper or any chapter required)
  • Book/Movie review
  • Report (any type)
  • Capstone project
  • Admission or application paper
  • Calculations
  • Complex projects

Further exploring the platform, I noticed they also cater to more specific needs, such as lab reports, literature reviews, and even math problems. The seamless blend of standard and specialized services reaffirms the praises I had seen in many an Academized review. It’s not just about breadth but depth, ensuring that students receive tailored solutions that align perfectly with their academic objectives.

Types of services:

  • Academic paper writing
  • Dissertation services
  • Admission services
  • STEM problem solving or calculation
  • Multiple choice questions
  • Editing/Proofreading
  • Rewriting

In essence, the extensive range of services offered by, backed by a team of experts in diverse fields, ensures that students can approach the platform with confidence, knowing they’ll receive bespoke solutions irrespective of the complexity or nature of their academic challenges.

Ordering Process

Placing an order on is a testament to simplicity and efficiency. The process is designed with user convenience in mind, ensuring that even those unfamiliar with such platforms can easily navigate and secure their desired services.

To start, I clicked on the ‘Order Now’ tab, which directed me to a comprehensive form. The form asked for details about my paper. For the sake of this review, I chose to order a paper on “The Evolution of Renewable Energy Technologies in the 21st Century”. I was prompted to specify the type of paper (in this case, a research essay), the academic level (I chose undergraduate), and the deadline. I appreciated the feature that allowed me to add specific instructions, which enabled me to convey my exact requirements and desired structure for the paper.

How Academized works

Once all the details were filled in, the site offered a clear price breakdown, eliminating any uncertainties about potential hidden charges. The payment process was equally straightforward, with multiple options available, catering to different user preferences.

Upon payment confirmation, I received a notification email detailing my order, which was a nice touch to ensure that everything was on track. Throughout the process, I felt in control and valued, a sentiment echoed by many who leave an review. The platform’s ordering system is undoubtedly designed with the user’s peace of mind at its core, making the entire experience hassle-free and reassuring.

Pricing and Discounts

Navigating the financial aspect of academic writing services can be a bit daunting, but with, transparency and affordability stand at the forefront. The prices on the platform start at a competitive rate of $12.99 per page, ensuring that even students on a tight budget can access their quality services.

For my research paper on “The Evolution of Renewable Energy Technologies in the 21st Century,” spanning over 10 pages and given the complexity of the topic, the cost came out to be reasonable. When factoring in the detailed research, the expert writing, and the additional features included in the price (like bibliography and title page), it truly felt like value for money.

Academized leveling discount

But the financial perks didn’t stop there. As a new user, I was able to benefit from a special discount using the code ACADEMIZED15, which granted me a 15% reduction on my first order. This, combined with the base price, made the entire deal even sweeter. And from my exploration and readings of various reviews, it’s evident that they often roll out discounts and promotional offers for both new and returning customers, ensuring sustained affordability.

In essence, the clear and competitive pricing combined with the occasional discounts makes an attractive option for students. Both my personal experience and the feedback seen in numerous reviews point to a platform that understands the financial constraints of students, offering quality work without causing a dent in the wallet.

Quality of the Delivered Work

When the research paper on “The Evolution of Renewable Energy Technologies in the 21st Century” landed in my inbox, the excitement was palpable. Opening the document, I was immediately struck by the depth of research, the clarity of arguments, and the meticulous structuring. It was evident that the writer not only had a profound understanding of the subject but also a passion for conveying complex ideas in an easily digestible manner.

The paper seamlessly wove in current advancements in renewable energy technologies, blending them with future projections and potential societal impacts. Every argument was backed by credible sources, showcasing a rigorous research process. The language was academic yet accessible, striking the right balance between formality and readability.

Delving into Academized reviews online, I found that my positive experience was not an isolated one. Many students praised the platform for its consistent delivery of high-caliber work that met, if not exceeded, their academic expectations. The attention to detail, the originality of content (a quick plagiarism check on my end confirmed the paper’s uniqueness), and the nuanced insights were highlights often echoed in the feedback.

In conclusion, the quality of work delivered by genuinely stands out. It’s not just about meeting the academic criteria but surpassing it, ensuring students not only achieve good grades but also gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter. The positive reflections in numerous Academized reviews and my firsthand experience underscore the platform’s commitment to academic excellence.

Turnaround Time and Deadlines

One of the crucial aspects of any academic writing service is its adherence to deadlines, and in this regard, truly shone. I had set a deadline of 10 days for my research paper on “The Evolution of Renewable Energy Technologies in the 21st Century”. To my delight, the completed paper was delivered to me in just 8 days, well ahead of the stipulated timeframe. This not only gave me ample time to review and familiarize myself with the content but also alleviated the usual anxieties associated with impending deadlines.

The early delivery was a testament to their efficiency and dedication. But beyond just my personal experience, a perusal of many an Academized review highlighted this punctuality as one of their hallmark traits. Numerous students appreciated the peace of mind that came from knowing their assignments would be delivered on time, if not earlier.

It’s also worth noting that the quality wasn’t compromised in any way despite the quicker turnaround. The paper was thorough, well-researched, and eloquently presented, indicating a team that values both punctuality and quality equally.

In the bustling world of academics, where every deadline feels pressing, having a reliable partner like can be a game-changer. Their consistent track record, both in my experience and as seen in various Academized reviews, solidifies their reputation as a platform that respects and upholds time commitments.

Revisions and Money-Back Guarantee

Even the best-crafted papers may require a tweak or two based on personal preferences or specific academic guidelines. My research paper on “The Evolution of Renewable Energy Technologies in the 21st Century” was almost perfect. However, I felt that the section discussing solar energy advancements could benefit from a more detailed exploration of recent technological breakthroughs. I reached out to with this feedback, and their response was swift and accommodating. Within a short span, the necessary additions were made, enhancing the depth of that section without compromising the flow of the paper.

This minor revision experience further solidified my confidence in the platform. They are not only open to feedback but also strive to ensure that the final product aligns perfectly with the client’s expectations. Browsing through the web, I noticed that this commitment to client satisfaction was a recurring theme in many an Academized review.

While I didn’t have any reason to use their money-back guarantee, I appreciated its existence as an assurance of their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. The policy is clear and transparent: if, after revisions, a client is still unsatisfied with the delivered work, they can request a refund. This shows that the platform stands behind its services and is confident in the quality they deliver.

Academized money-back policy

In essence, while the hope is to get a perfect paper the first time around, it’s reassuring to know that with, there are safety nets in place. Their swift revisions and the existence of a money-back guarantee, as testified by numerous Academized reviews, emphasize their dedication to providing a service that places the client’s needs at the forefront.

Customer Support

A company’s customer support often serves as the frontline in determining the overall user experience, and in my journey with, their support team was nothing short of stellar. From the onset, I was greeted with multiple channels to reach out, ensuring that no matter the query or concern, there was always a means to get a prompt response.

Having a preference for real-time interaction, I initially used their online chat feature. The response was instantaneous, with a friendly representative guiding me through my queries and offering clarification where needed. Later on, when I had a detailed question regarding the content of my research paper, I opted to send an email. The reply, thorough and insightful, arrived within a few hours.

Academized contact options (email is also available via

But what truly stood out in my Academized review journey was the availability of phone and WhatsApp support. In today’s digital age, the added convenience of being able to discuss concerns over a call or send a quick WhatsApp message further elevates the user experience. Every interaction I had was characterized by professionalism, patience, and a genuine desire to assist.

Many a time, the quality of a service is gauged not just by the product they deliver but by the support they provide along the way. Going by the numerous positive mentions of their customer support in Academized reviews online, it’s clear that their team is a key pillar in ensuring client satisfaction. In a realm where clarity, quick responses, and genuine assistance are paramount, undoubtedly sets a commendable standard.

Confidentiality and Security

In the digital era, data privacy and security are paramount concerns, especially when it comes to online transactions and services. My experience with highlighted their unwavering commitment to safeguarding user information and ensuring a secure environment.

The ordering process on is designed with utmost respect for user privacy. Only the essentials — name, phone number, and email — are required. This minimalistic approach ensures that users don’t feel overwhelmed or apprehensive about sharing more information than absolutely necessary.

Further amplifying the trust is their strict data protection policy. Every piece of information shared is securely stored and is never, under any circumstance, shared with third parties. But the real icing on the cake, which I haven’t often seen highlighted in the standard Academized review, is the anonymity maintained between clients and writers. While you know the expertise and qualifications of the writer handling your work, they remain unaware of your personal details, including your name. This layer of anonymity fosters a sense of security, ensuring that the relationship remains strictly professional and bound by the confines of the task at hand.

Academized safety badge

On the payment front, not only is the transaction process encrypted and secure, but the platform also offers contemporary payment options like Apple Pay and Google Pay, catering to modern user preferences and ensuring a seamless payment experience.

To sum up, goes the extra mile in ensuring user confidentiality and security, making it a safe haven for students seeking academic assistance. Their stringent data protection measures, combined with a transparent operating model, make them a standout choice, as echoed by countless satisfied users in various Academized reviews.

Testimonials and User Reviews

One of the first things I tend to do when considering an online service is to delve deep into user testimonials and reviews. In the case of, this exploration only served to reinforce my initial positive impressions. The sheer volume of positive Academized reviews was both overwhelming and reassuring.

While each review told its own unique story, certain common themes began to emerge. Many users praised the platform’s commitment to quality, its timely delivery, and the unparalleled support they received from the customer service team. There were countless instances where students mentioned how Academized had come to their rescue in tight deadline scenarios or with particularly challenging academic topics.

Academized ratings from other platforms:

Sitejabber rating: 4.9/5
Trustpilot rating: 4.4/5 rating: 4.6/5

What struck me most, however, was the consistency in these reviews. Whether it was a high school student relieved to have their essay sorted or a postgraduate scholar expressing gratitude for a well-researched dissertation, the sentiment was the same: delivers on its promises.

Of course, like any service, there were a few outliers — reviews that spoke of minor revisions or specific preferences. However, even in these, the overarching theme was one of satisfaction, with users applauding how promptly and efficiently their concerns were addressed.

Pros and Cons

In any holistic Academized review, it’s imperative to weigh both the strengths and areas for improvement, offering potential users a well-rounded perspective. Having personally navigated their services, here’s my take on the pros and cons of


  1. Quality of Work: The research paper I received was meticulously crafted, indicating a team that prioritizes depth, research, and linguistic prowess.
  2. Timely Delivery: My order was delivered ahead of schedule, which, combined with their reputation, makes them a reliable choice for strict academic deadlines.
  3. Customer Support: With multiple channels like chat, email, phone, and WhatsApp, their support team is readily available, ensuring queries are promptly addressed.
  4. Data Security: The platform takes user privacy seriously, requiring minimal personal details and maintaining strict confidentiality protocols.
  5. Transparent Pricing: With clear price breakdowns and options like Apple Pay and Google Pay, the financial aspect is both transparent and user-friendly.


  1. Interface Familiarity: While the platform is user-friendly, a brief tutorial or guide for first-time users could further enhance the user experience.
  2. Expanded FAQs: An even more detailed FAQ section could help address minor queries, reducing the need for users to reach out.

In summation, the positives of significantly overshadow the minor areas of improvement. My personal experience, echoed by countless others in their Academized review entries, is a testament to a platform that has, at its core, a genuine commitment to academic excellence and customer satisfaction.

Final Thoughts and Recommendations

As my journey with comes to its culmination, I find myself reflecting on a truly enriching and seamless experience. The world of online academic assistance is vast, and finding a reliable partner in this sea of options can be daunting. Yet, with Academized, I felt a sense of assurance and professionalism at every step.

From the moment I navigated their well-structured website to the final delivery of my intricately crafted research paper, every interaction echoed a commitment to excellence. Their team, from customer support representatives to the writers, exudes a passion for assisting students in their academic pursuits, ensuring not only timely delivery but also top-tier quality.

Drawing from my experience and the plethora of positive feedback seen in other Academized review entries, it’s evident that the platform’s reputation is well-deserved. Their transparent operations, commitment to data security, and unwavering focus on client satisfaction set them a cut above the rest.

For students on the fence about choosing an academic writing service, I would unequivocally recommend Whether it’s a short essay or a comprehensive research project, with Academized, you’re in capable and reliable hands. In a domain often riddled with uncertainties, they offer a beacon of consistency and quality, making the academic journey a tad easier and a lot more successful.

Rating Breakdown

Here’s a summarized rating based on my experience with

Website Usability and Design: 9.6/10

  • User-friendly interface combined with a clean design ensures effortless navigation. An interactive tutorial for newcomers might further enhance the experience.

Range of Services: 10/10

  • A broad spectrum of academic writing services ensures they cater to nearly every academic need, from basic essays to intricate dissertations.

Quality of Content: 10/10

  • The research paper delivered was top-notch, showcasing thorough research, domain expertise, and commendable writing finesse.

Pricing and Discounts: 9.8/10

  • Transparent and competitive pricing is complemented by periodic discounts, like the ACADEMIZED15 code for newcomers.

Customer Support: 10/10

  • With options ranging from chat and email to phone and WhatsApp, users are assured of constant and efficient communication.

Confidentiality and Security: 10/10

  • Their stringent data protection policies and secure payment methods, including Apple Pay and Google Pay, fortify user trust and confidence.

Turnaround Time: 10/10

  • Their penchant for delivering before deadlines gives students ample time for reviews and revisions.

Overall Rating: 9.8/10

Given these ratings and the overarching satisfaction seen in many Academized reviews, it’s evident that stands as a reliable platform in the area of academic writing services. Their balanced approach towards quality, customer experience, and pricing makes them a prime recommendation for scholars at all academic levels.

Website address:

What is is a reputable online platform that specializes in providing a wide spectrum of academic writing services to students. Whether you need help with essays, research papers, dissertations, or any other academic project, offers a team of expert writers ready to assist you. With a focus on quality, confidentiality, and timely delivery, it has earned a strong reputation as a reliable academic support partner for students at all academic levels.

Is Academized Legit?

Yes, is a legitimate and trusted platform for academic writing services. It operates with transparency and professionalism, offering students a reliable resource to meet their academic needs. With a team of qualified writers, a commitment to data security, and a track record of delivering high-quality work, stands as a credible and legitimate solution for students seeking academic assistance.

How to Hire a Professional Writer at

Hiring a professional writer at is a straightforward process. First, you’ll need to visit their website and navigate to the order page. There, you’ll provide the details of your assignment, including the type of paper, academic level, topic, deadline, and any specific instructions. Once you’ve submitted your requirements, you’ll receive price quotes, and you can choose a writer based on their qualifications and expertise. After making a secure payment, the writer will start working on your project, and you’ll have the option to communicate with them throughout the process. Once the paper is completed, it will be delivered to you, ready for review and submission. The entire process is user-friendly and designed to ensure a smooth and efficient experience for students seeking academic assistance.

Is Academized Reliable?

Yes, is a highly reliable academic writing service. It has garnered a strong reputation for consistently delivering quality work, adhering to deadlines, and providing excellent customer support. With a team of experienced writers, a commitment to user confidentiality, and a transparent pricing structure, has established itself as a trustworthy and dependable resource for students in need of academic assistance. Countless positive user reviews and personal experiences vouch for its reliability in the competitive academic writing industry.

Why is Academized a Good Service? stands out as an excellent service for several reasons. Firstly, it offers a comprehensive range of academic writing services, ensuring that students from various academic levels and disciplines can find the help they need. Secondly, the quality of work delivered is consistently high, characterized by thorough research, expert writing, and adherence to academic standards. Thirdly, the platform prioritizes user satisfaction with timely deliveries and responsive customer support available via multiple channels. Additionally, places a strong emphasis on user data privacy and security, instilling trust and confidence in its users. Overall, it’s a combination of quality, reliability, and user-centricity that makes a top choice for academic assistance.

Will the Paper Delivered by Academized Pass TurnItIn?

Yes, the papers delivered by are crafted to be original and plagiarism-free. The platform employs experienced writers who create custom content tailored to your specific requirements. They prioritize academic integrity, ensuring that the work is authentic and properly cited. While no service can guarantee a specific outcome on plagiarism detection tools like Turnitin,’s commitment to originality and the positive feedback in numerous user reviews affirm their dedication to delivering plagiarism-free work that stands up to academic scrutiny.

Is Academized a Scam?

No, is not a scam. It is a legitimate and reputable academic writing service that has been serving students for many years. With a team of qualified writers, a transparent pricing structure, secure payment options, and a track record of delivering high-quality work, has earned the trust of countless students seeking academic assistance. Numerous positive user reviews and personal experiences attest to its legitimacy and reliability in the academic writing industry, making it a credible resource for students looking for help with their academic assignments.

How Much Does it Cost to Get a Paper Written by Academized?

The cost of getting a paper written by depends on several factors, including the type of paper, academic level, deadline, and the number of pages. The pricing is transparent, starting at a competitive rate of $12.99 per page for standard orders. However, urgent deadlines or higher academic levels may result in slightly higher prices. Additionally, there are periodic discounts available, such as the ACADEMIZED15 code, which grants a 15% discount on the first order. This pricing structure allows students to tailor their orders to their specific needs and budget, making an affordable and accessible option for academic assistance.

Why is Academized Considered to be Among the Best Academic Writing Services? has solidified its position as one of the best academic writing services with an impressive overall rating of 9.8 out of 10. This remarkable rating is attributed to a combination of factors that set them apart. Firstly, they offer a comprehensive array of academic writing solutions, catering to diverse academic levels and subjects. Secondly, their commitment to consistently delivering high-quality, plagiarism-free work showcases their dedication to academic excellence. Additionally, their punctual delivery, responsive customer support, and stringent data security measures contribute to their positive reputation. The overwhelmingly positive feedback in numerous user reviews further underscores why is often considered a top-tier academic writing service in the eyes of students.

Why Should You Trust This Academized Review?

You can trust this Academized review because it is based on a genuine and firsthand experience with the service. The reviewer placed an order with, evaluated their services, and interacted with their customer support. The review also takes into account the feedback and experiences shared by other users to provide a comprehensive and unbiased assessment. Transparency, accuracy, and objectivity are the cornerstones of this review, ensuring that you receive reliable insights into what has to offer as an academic writing service.

Can I Choose a Specific Writer for My Assignment on Academized?

Yes, at, you have the option to choose a specific writer for your assignment. When placing an order, you can browse through available writers and their profiles, which include information about their qualifications, expertise, and ratings from previous clients.

How Does Academized Ensure the Originality of the Papers It Delivers? places a strong emphasis on ensuring the originality of the papers it delivers. To achieve this, they employ a team of expert writers who craft each assignment from scratch. This means that every paper is custom-written to meet your specific requirements and is free from plagiarism. Additionally, uses plagiarism detection software to thoroughly scan every paper for any potential instances of plagiarism before it is delivered to you. This stringent process, combined with the expertise of their writers, ensures that the papers you receive are original, unique, and in full compliance with academic integrity standards.

Is There a Limit to the Number of Revisions I Can Request for My Paper on Academized?

Yes, there is a specific window for free revisions, allowing you to request revisions at no additional cost within that timeframe. However, after this initial period, offers the option to request additional revisions for a fee. The details and specifics of the revision policy, including the time frame and associated costs for additional revisions, can be found by visiting the revision policy section on the Academized website.

What is the Average Response Time for Customer Support Inquiries on Academized?

Based on my personal experience, the average response time for customer support inquiries on Academized is impressively fast, often within minutes, and sometimes even under one minute when initiating a chat. This rapid and efficient response time underscores’s commitment to providing timely and reliable assistance to its users. Whether you have questions, need clarification, or require support at any stage of your academic journey, the responsive customer support team is readily available to address your inquiries promptly and assist you effectively.

What Measures Does Academized Take to Ensure the Security of Online Payments? prioritizes the security of online payments by implementing robust measures. They use 256-bit encryption, which is a highly advanced and secure encryption protocol, to protect your payment information. Additionally, partners with some of the world’s best and most trusted payment gateways. This combination of encryption and trusted payment processors ensures that your financial information remains confidential and secure when making payments on the platform. Your peace of mind and data security are paramount to, and these measures reflect their commitment to providing a safe and secure online payment experience for users.

Can I Request a Specific Formatting Style for My Paper, Such as APA, MLA, or Chicago?

Absolutely, at, you have the option to request a specific formatting style for your paper, whether it’s APA, MLA, Chicago, or any other commonly used style. When placing your order, you can specify your preferred formatting style along with other requirements. The platform’s expert writers are well-versed in various citation and formatting styles, ensuring that your paper adheres to the exact style you need. This attention to detail and customization allows you to receive a paper that not only meets your content requirements but also aligns perfectly with your academic guidelines and formatting preferences.

How Does Academized Handle Orders with Extremely Tight Deadlines, and Is There an Additional Fee for Urgent Requests? is well-equipped to handle orders with exceptionally tight deadlines, with delivery options starting from as short as 3 hours. However, it’s important to note that the shorter the deadline, the more expensive the order is likely to be, reflecting the urgency and additional effort required to meet such timelines. This flexibility caters to students facing time constraints and ensures that they have the option to receive their papers quickly when needed. While there may be an additional cost associated with urgent requests, it allows you to access academic assistance even in the most time-sensitive situations.



Julie Swann

I am a professional writer and reviewer with over five years of experience analyzing the quality of writing, products, and services in the education sector.