Julie Arielle Mwihaki
2 min readJan 21, 2023
Photo: Freepik Company S.L.

Do academic grades matter?

There is always a heated debate after every KCSE results are announced . To me , grades are important. For the ‘C & D students will employ the A & B students ‘ crusaders, I have something to say to you. One , the A & B scorers aren’t your enemies and didn’t score those grades to make you feel inferior. These grades were scored by merit.

Two, you make it seem so bad to score A and B because you made it in the business sector with the C or D you scored. Enjoy your success in peace without laughing at those who continued with higher learning but still haven’t caught a grip of their finances. Give these A and B scorers time to get there with the financial capital . Kutangulia sio kufika. Also we ain’t in a race with each other, everyone have their own trajectory of life . Let everyone move at their own pace.It isn’t the A and B scorers who denied you the chance to proceed with higher learning.

Third, if grades and academics weren’t that important , why are you pay top of the shilling? You could just have them kids going to any school since school grades aren’t that important to you. I mean, lead by example by creating a situation that will increase your kids chances of getting the C & Ds . Also , because you made it with the C or D that doesn’t make you an S.I . unit of how we should live life. You made it , we get that but it isn’t only through hard work , luck was also an ingredient in your success.We can’t all replicate your life. What of those who scored C & D and failed terribly in business? How are they doing out here . They are in damnation of doing the least paying jobs.

In conclusion, even with your C or D ,you can still go back to school and get that Diploma or degree. Learning is a continuous it doesn’t have to end after form 4 just because you are doing well in entrepreneurship. You can still use what you learn in higher learning institution in your business and increase your revenue generation as well as help in more job creation which will benefit our country’s economy.