Your Word is Powerful — What you Speak you Create — Inside and Outside

Juliann Calvey
5 min readSep 15, 2016


I have a great practice that I would like to share with you and it is of utmost important that you follow this and practice is for it is for the good of you, humanity, the Earth and the Universe. You see, when this Earth first fell she got shot to the other side of the Milky Way and we have been trying to bring her back to her original BluePrint for over 2000 years. In this Golden Era she already exists in her beautiful BluePrint we simply need to embody fifth dimensional consciousness by taking on more Light (become more En-Lightened) and expanding our consciousness to the fifth and beyond. And this is not easy but I am showing you the way with each lesson I’m giving you.

So, back to the practice which is of utmost importance and every practice, once you have practiced it long enough will become automatic. This practice will really make you feel good about yourself and good about others.. This practice truly goes both ways.

Be flawless with what you speak. Your word is your truth and the words that you speak the word that you write or type on a page carry energy. Every word that I have written on the page you are looking at carries energy. If you are as sensitive as I am you may feel Light coming into your body. I do. That’s because I’ve done my own inner work and I am electric. I have been putting out light bulbs for years and anyone who comes to me, even through this page “Hi-Jacks” some of my Light — my highest of frequency. I call this inspiration.

We all came here to first raise our vibration for ourselves and then for humanity, one by one. As I inspire you by you picking up some of my Light and the energy contained on the words before you your frequency rises. Then as you do your inner work your frequency rises even more. You then inspire others in the same way and the cycle continues. This is how we, one by one, inspire all of humanity as well as the planet herself to come to full Awakening by raising our frequency and expanding our level of consciousness- the two go hand in hand.

If I were to say through my mouth or write on this page anything of lower vibrations it would literally drain you of energy. That’s simply how energy works. As we cross paths, no matter what matter it be, we either inspire each other or bring down the other. So now we have two practices.

Be flawless with your word. You literally create with each word you speak or write on a page. As my soul is soul old I created myself and many other souls.When I speak I create worlds. I’ve been told this when anyone reads me and this is not bragging. This mean that I have to be flawless with my word no matter what.

The second part of the practice is obvious and is pictured above. Those who gossip is an example of those who are not flawless of their words. In the words they are saying they are doing a number of things: saying mean things, making assumptions, talking behind a friends back and not telling truth. And I’m sure much more. I would love to hear your comments about this.

Remember, never ever suppress your emotions and I truly realize that cursing is a great way to express your emotions. In fact I taught you in a previous session to “curse them to hell and not back!” There are always exceptions and this exception is by intent with the power of the Mudras so that you may dissolve what is not truth to you. Aside from that I am asking you to refrain from blasting at anyone. I know I have said this before. Right now, since we are talking about the words that you speak is a great time to remind you.

When you meet up with an other who wants to go into conflict with you. OR if you fee upset with an other. Take a step back. Tell the other “I need time with myself.” This is not the time for lashing out — both of you are in complex — literally out of your minds. After taking some time for yourself you may have a new perspective — become an observe to what happened and come out of the complex you were in — come back into alignment with your Higher Self which now resides in your heart which is much more intelligent than your brain/mind.

Then when you’re ready and it’s always important if you want a good relationship with this other — if you don’t drop it. In fact drop all relationships that drain you of energy — believe me they will not change and its not your job to change them. Back to if you want a good relationship. Go back to the other only when you know you can a good back and forth. Everyone has their own perspective. Listen to the other’s perspective. Listen until they are done talking. Everyone wants to be listened to, including you. Hopefully the other will do the same for you. If this is done as a true back and forth you will find yourselves so much closer, more intimate. The relationship will grow and foster instead of fester. You will have been honest with yourself and honest with the other and that’s the only way to grow a relationship.

Please observe what words come out of your mouth — make that your first practice. Then make your words flawless as you create the life you live with each word you speak.

You are all great creators by nature. Everything lives inside of you and then you project it onto the world. Your word comes first. Your word is the first thing you use to create.


