How Developing Positive Social Health Skills: 7 Benefits to your Physical & Emotional Health

Julie Doherty
4 min readApr 22, 2022


Let’s Clarify Social Health

A Key Aspect to Developing Positive Social Skills is Taking Each Person’s Views into Consideration. Not always having to Agree but to Agree to Disagree

To clarify or recognize what is meant by social health skills. It is your ability to develop and maintain satisfying interpersonal relationships with other people. It also relates to learning the ability to blend in comfortably to different social situations. Developing the ability to behave in an appropriate manner within a variety of situations.

Enjoying having positive, healthy relationships whether that be with spouses, partners, children, co-workers and friends. In developing each of these relationships needs for you to learn strong and effective communication skills.

This requires having empathy and understanding for other people. Being accountable for the way in which you have acted or responded to a situation. In developing this it is vital that you learn about you. Your very own internal chatter, feelings and reactions.

If you choose to allow negative, vindictive or unrational traits to take over take your behaviours. This is in contradiction to how you want to feel or behave and will therefore have a negative impact on your social relationships, thus having a negative impact on your health. When the response it negative and not monitored by you this will create undue stress. This will then threatened what could be a healthy relationship.

7 Benefits of Developing Positive Social Skills

  1. Builds loyalty and devotion giving you a sense of balance, helping with your self-esteem and confidence by strengthening your relationship with people whom you feel connected.
  2. Building positive social skills will give you a greater sense of happiness, reduces the effects of stress and anxiety by having well trusted people whom you can confide in.
  3. Developing communication skills is a major part of developing positive social skills. The lesson to be learnt here is that improving your communication begins with improving your listening skills. Relaying back to someone what they have spoken to you, ensuring that you have a full understanding of what they are talking about. Listening 2–3 times more than you actually speak. This will benefit you in two ways to you will learn more about the person and also about yourself with how much you have in common. You will also have differences, understanding that this is an important part of communication and working as a team. Sharing one another’s strengths, and supporting one another’s weaknesses.
  4. Closer family relationships — Understanding that even as a family, each of you are different in many ways but then the same in just as many.
  5. Balancing kindness, peace and harmony by being Polite — By developing positive social skills you will be able to be polite but distance yourself from people whom you don’t feel a connection or that you particularly like, without creating a scene or a disturbance, I am talking about the person who is out there to just cause an argument, push some buttons, behaving in a toxic and disruptive manner. You will be able to just be polite and walk away, not adding fuel to the situation.
  6. Improved Career Opportunities and work environment — Most careers, work places have an involvement of people. Most work places are looking for people with certain skills, obviously not all the same but that when putting these together can work well in a team environment. Who have a positive mindset, meaning that if there is a problem as a team you communicate and work together in finding a solution.
  7. Higher Levels of Health, Happiness and Vitality — Improving how you communicate and present yourself with the people whom are in and come into your life will have you feeling better about yourself, happier, your health will improve, you will have increased energy and motivation.

Gratitude increases mental strength. For years, research has shown gratitude not only reduces stress, but it may also play a major role in overcoming trauma. A 2006 study published in Behavior Research and Therapy found that Vietnam War Veterans with higher levels of gratitude experienced lower rates of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Read Next: The Art of Building Self-Worth, Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence



Julie Doherty

Julie’s Passion and Commitment is dedicated to providing Simple, Effective and Easy to implement Strategies to achieve a Life of Optimal Health & Happiness