5 Ways To Embrace Slow Living (And Still Get Things Done!)

xo jules simon
5 min readMar 10, 2024


For years, I found purpose in my accomplishments and productivity, thriving in “the hustle” and loving a jam-packed schedule. I filled every available moment with work and Ironman training.

But then, after suffering chronic illness, and a forced slow down, I started questioning the constant busyness and what it was doing to me!

Was there more to life than this? That’s when I started exploring slow livinga lifestyle that invites us to slow down, cherish each moment, and find joy in life’s simple pleasures.

Now, I’m still a work in progress and trying to figure this out: Can we fully embrace slow living without sacrificing productivity?

And, is it possible to strike a balance between a slower pace and still getting things done?

Here are 5 ways I’m embracing slow living and still getting things DONE!

1. Start Your Day Slow

We know that starting the day on the right foot is important, and you don’t need a long, complicated morning routine to get started.

Personally, I have found that getting up early allows me to have quality time for journaling, my devotionals, and moments of quiet reflection. It sets the tone for the rest of the day and makes a huge difference in my overall well-being.

Starting the day slow and intentionally gives us a chance to prioritize self-care and gather our thoughts before diving into the demands of the day.

Find what nourishes your soul and brings you joy, and make it a priority in your mornings.

2. Give Yourself Breathing Room in Your Calendar

I used to schedule back-to-back appointments and events, thinking I could squeeze it all in. But boy, was I wrong. It left me feeling overwhelmed and exhausted-and usually late. Eek.

After running around hurried all the time for years, I finally started giving myself some breathing room in my calendar. Adding this cushion gives you space to breathe, transition, and even take a much-needed break.

Personally, I’m a big fan of using Google Calendar to keep things organized. I block off important meetings and make sure to time-block tasks that I need to get done in between. It helps me stay focused without feeling rushed and overwhelmed — plus, I always know what I have to work on next.

I’ve also started theme days. For instance, I dedicate Wednesday mornings to writing blogs for clients and Fridays to create social media content. Grouping similar tasks together boosts my productivity, and I love how it keeps me in the zone. (I’m not good at switching between tasks!)

3. Pare Down Your To-Do List

We’ve all been there. We wake ready to conquer the day and one look at our ‘never-ending to do list’ and we just want to crawl back in bed. Am I right?

The key is prioritization and eliminating non-urgent and non-important tasks. It can be hard at first, but by doing so, you’ll create more space in your day and reduce mental clutter.

I pick out the top three most important tasks that need to be done each day. Then, I schedule them accordingly into time blocks.Breaking it down makes it way more manageable. Not to mention, writing things down gets tasks out of my head and relieves the need to ‘remember this’ from my brain.

Plus, checking a task off the list is one of the most satisfying feelings!

4. Make Your No’s be No’s and Your Yes’s be HELL Yes

Here’s the deal: Saying no to things that drain your energy seems like a no-brainer. But we all feel pressured to say yes-it’s our nature to want to please people!

But, trying to be at everything just left me feeling drained. And eventually, I wasn’t showing up as my full, and present self at anything.

Now, I’m still learning how to prioritize and align my choices with my values and passions, but I’ve found it usually starts with saying no more.

So, next time an opportunity pops up, take a moment to pause and reflect. Ask yourself if an opportunity aligns with what truly matters to you. Does it ignite your passion? Does it bring you joy? If the answer is a resounding yes, then go for it!

But if it doesn’t align or drain your energy, don’t hesitate to say no!

5. Practice Doing Nothing

I know it sounds counterintuitive, but taking time to just be is powerful.

I’ll admit, I have the hardest time transitioning to doing NOTHING. It feels like there’s always something demanding my attention. Even when I sit down to watch Netflix or relax with my hubby, I find myself scrolling through my phone, trying to stay updated and ‘in the know’

(It’s a habit I’m actively working on breaking!)

I’ve also started reading a book or going for a walk to decompress and try to embrace ‘doing nothing.’

I know it can feel guilty, but you deserve a breather…. And God tells us to be still and know.

Give time and space for Him to speak into our souls…

The Wrap -

These are a few of the ways I’ve started to embrace slow living, while being productive and getting things done.

Remember slow living isn’t about laziness or inefficiency; it’s about intentional living. It’s about understanding our values, setting priorities, and embracing a more deliberate approach to productivity in our daily lives.

Start small, be patient with yourself, and I’m cheering you on!



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Originally published at https://xojulessimon.com on March 10, 2024.



xo jules simon

writer/blogger | chronic illness warrior | vegan => meat-eater. more at xojulessimon.com