It’s Never Too Late to Re-Write Your Story (Self-Love)

Do what you can — with what you have — right now.

xo jules simon
3 min readDec 16, 2022

Three years ago, I was a completely different person — but not necessarily in a good way. It wasn’t until I was crippled with chronic illness that my priorities in life became very clear.

Sometimes God has to get our attention when we’re heading down the wrong path. And He certainly yanked me up by my ponytail!

But in the last several years since I left my corporate gig on medical leave, I’ve learned A LOT! My marriage is stronger, I finally started taking care of my body, and I also started reading. (Yes, real books with pages!) They say, ‘Leaders are Readers’ — right? 🙂

But seriously, I’ve grown more these last few years than in the previous 40! How did I get started, dig out, and stay optimistic?

I’m glad you asked…

Photo by David Lezcano on Unsplash

Before I got sick, I lived a life that was “all about Jules” — if you didn’t support my goals, then you weren’t worth my time and energy. Sorry! That’s just the way it was. ..I was too busy climbing the corporate ladder and chasing triathlon dreams for any other distractions. (And frankly, I was kinda b*tchy about it all!)

But when my world came crashing down with chronic migraine & lupus, I got a big wake-up call and realized….

You only get one life. It’s yours to live.

This mindset shift was almost immediate. I went from feeling sorry for myself to thinking life had stalled out to being ready to start over!

I knew I had to take action — to rediscover what makes me tick. It sounds easy, but it’s a challenging place to be… you want to start your life goals and plans but feel paralyzed by all the overwhelming options and noise. (Believe me, I know!)

So, where do you start? They say mood follows action — I couldn’t agree more in this situation.

We must remember that taking small steps in the right direction is far better than staying stagnant. Take one action, make one habit — just move forward.

Ask yourself today, what is one small step I can take in the direction of my goals? Remember, don’t get too overwhelmed or stuck with all the planning and proverbial roadblocks.

Just get the ball rolling!

“No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin again.” — Buddha.

Let me remind you it’s never too late to start. If you know me, you know I am in love with Rich Roll — He reclaimed his life at 40 by beating his alcohol addiction, losing 50 lbs (by becoming vegan), and rising to the ranks in endurance sports.

Not everything happened at once for Rich, and it won’t for us either. But we must think about our goals and what we’re willing to change to achieve them.

“It’s never too late, and you’re never too old if you want it bad enough!” — jules simon

So go ahead — think about what you want to change — what you really want to go after. Got it? Ok, now it’s time to put the systems and habits in place to get there. One small habit today can be life-changing for your tomorrow.

I always wanted to explore writing and share wellness & wisdom with the world, but the corporate job kept me tied up. I could mourn the loss of that income and status, or I could finally take this time to figure out how to be a friggin writer!

So here I am, showing up for you with my latest bout of creative expression. I love expressing myself in words and find it a creative and therapeutic outlet.

  • What’s that for you?
  • What gets you out of bed in the morning?
  • What has been on the back burner of your life?
  • What do you need to bring front & center?

No matter what it is, I encourage you not to wait. Despite the limits and responsibilities that may pull us away from our dreams, you can always do something. So….

Do what you can — with what you have — right now.

Take it from me; life is too short to wake up with regrets.

Xo, jules



xo jules simon

writer/blogger | chronic illness warrior | vegan => meat-eater. more at