What’s The 333 Challenge Project (And Should You Try It?)

xo jules simon
5 min readFeb 25, 2024


So picture this: I’m scrolling through my phone, sipping on my favorite americano with almond milk, when I stumble upon the 333 Challenge. Huh? I had to learn more…

Let me back up a second… I have been following slow living, minimalism, and decluttering topics lately, and the 333 challenge project keeps coming up.

So, what is it? Basically, it’s a project that has captured the attention of minimalists and decluttering enthusiasts alike, promising to change the way we approach our wardrobes and our lives.

Let’s dig a little deeper…

What’s the 333 Challenge?

What exactly is the 333 Challenge, you ask? In simple terms, it’s a minimalism challenge in which you limit your wardrobe to just 33 items for three months. That’s right, only 33 items of clothing, shoes, and accessories for an entire season.

Sounds hard, right? But the goal is to help us declutter, simplify, and reevaluate our relationship with our possessions.

The 333 Challenge is rooted in the minimalist movement, a lifestyle that is gaining popularity and centers around simplifying by keeping only the essential possessions. By doing so, it opens up room for more meaningful pursuits, while also freeing up valuable space, time, and energy.

While it might not be for everyone, I think we could all learn a little bit from this approach! Let’s keep going…

The Rules of Engagement

Now that you’re excited about taking on the 333 Challenge, let’s break down the rules. The concept is easy: you curate a wardrobe of 33 items that you’ll wear exclusively for the next 3 months.

These 33 items encompass everything from clothing to shoes and accessories. But don’t worry- the rules are not set in stone. The goal should be to get down to 33 primary items.

The good news? You can exclude workout gear, underwear, and sentimental items from the count. Plus, you can temporarily swap out items for special events or adjust for seasonal change if necessary.

The idea is not to restrict yourself but to be mindful of what you truly need and enjoy wearing and having in your life.

The Pros and Cons

As with any challenge or lifestyle change, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons. Let’s start with the positives.

The 333 Challenge encourages a mindful approach to consumption, helping us break free from the endless cycle of buying and accumulating stuff. By reducing our wardrobe to 33 items, we streamline our morning routines and eliminate decision fatigue. (Ever wonder why Steve Jobs always wore the same black turtleneck and jeans? He was eliminating daily decisions to focus on what really mattered — building Apple!)

However, it’s important to recognize that there may be challenges along the way. In the beginning, choosing only 33 items may require some tough decision-making and maybe even stress you out a little! You might also find yourself struggling to match items and feel like your creativity is limited.

Adjusting to a smaller selection of outfits can take some getting used to, so go easy on yourself- we’re all human!

Personal Reflections and Tips

As I explore and learn more about the 333 Challenge (and intentional living in general), I am excited to eventually implement more into my life. While I haven’t yet reduced my wardrobe down to 33 items, I have been making progress in my decluttering and slow living journey.

One method that has been working well for me is sorting my things into three piles:

This first step has been a great way to create a sense of direction in my decluttering process. When determining what truly deserves a place in my life, I’ve also been asking myself questions like:

“Does this bring value?” “Does this serve a purpose?”

While it may be tough to part with things that hold sentimental value (like my triathlon bike, eek!), I’ve come to realize that it’s important to let go of anything that no longer serves a purpose for me. It’s definitely an eye-opening experience, I can’t believe how much I’m ‘hanging onto’ things both physically and emotionally!

Pro tips I’ve read about include choosing versatile pieces that can effortlessly mix and match and layering and accessories to amp and switch up your outfits

Should You Try the 333 Challenge?

Before you jump right in, let’s consider a few factors. Assess your lifestyle — is the challenge compatible with your work and personal life? Do you have any big events coming up or seasonal changes to consider?

Take a close look at your wardrobe and belongings…. Dig deep to truly evaluate your attachment to your ‘stuff’ and how it will affect you.

Most importantly, identify why you want to take on the challenge and what you hope to achieve after the three months. Are you really ready for a change? Or are there other life stressors or priorities you need to address first?

The Wrap — 333 Challenge Project

In conclusion, my friends, whether you choose to take on the 333 Challenge or not, I encourage you to embrace the idea of slow living and approaching life with more intention and purpose.

As you declutter your wardrobe or embark on any other journey towards minimalism, remember to be gentle with yourself. It’s not about perfection or adhering to strict rules. Instead, it’s about finding what brings you joy and aligns with your values.

Here’s the thing — it may not be for everyone, and that’s okay! But if you’re feeling inspired and adventurous, I encourage you to give it a shot.

Cheering you on,



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Originally published at https://xojulessimon.com on February 25, 2024.



xo jules simon

writer/blogger | chronic illness warrior | vegan => meat-eater. more at xojulessimon.com