Foxcroft Wine & Co.

Juliet Peay
2 min readMay 14, 2020


If you remember my previous article, you know that I’m falling in love with my hometown again. Foxcroft Wine & Co. was one of the new places that I figured was too pretentious for me, but I was curious to see what all the hype was about.

Every year I joke that I have no plans to attend Fall for Greenville but somehow end up there anyway. This year was no different, but I was really there for dinner at Foxcroft. Tyler and I enjoyed a drink at Fall for Greenville but soon made a beeline to Foxcroft’s doors. We decided to dine on the patio to soak in the Fall for Greenville atmosphere, but passing all of the wine-lined walls on the way gave me a minor case of FOMO.

Photo from Yelp

We perused the menu and soon agreed to start with the Calling All Cabs flight which allowed us to try four different wines. What can I say? Tyler and I love a good cab (or four.) Our server guided us through the selections and recommended her favorites from the flight. Tyler and I sipped each and concurred Broadside Cabernet Sauvignon was the clear winner.

We almost went for another flight, but thought we might go back to Fall for Greenville, so we held off. For dinner, I ordered the house-made burger and Tyler went with lamb sliders. I’m happy to report that both of us found our respective meals delicious and they were presented just as beautifully as one would expect. As excited as I was to go there the first time, I’m looking forward to several more visits already.

After having such a great experience at Foxcroft Wine & Co., I wanted to learn more about what brought them to Greenville since they have three locations in Charlotte. Naturally, the Greenville News had the story. In short, the owner Conrad Hunter loved that Greenville has several local restaurants, not just chains. Hmm, that seems to be what I love about my city, too! If you haven’t been to Foxcroft yet, I highly recommend it. I’ve since visited a couple more times, sat inside with walls of wine all around me, and bragged about it over and over again. I even signed up for their emails so I know when they have $5 wine tastings. For another new thing I tried in Greenville, this one confirms that getting out of my comfort zone is just what I need.

Cheers to trying new things!

This article was originally published on



Juliet Peay

Juliet Peay is a launch copywriter based in Greenville, SC.