How a Crazy Cat Lady Took on the Proud Boys

Juliet Jeske
27 min readOct 4, 2020

Juliet Jeske

Oct 4 · 29 min read

Update 8–10–20

Disclaimer — An individual who shall remain unnamed is claiming this article is about some sort of plot against him. He is not hinted at or inferred anywhere in this document. I do not use an alias for him. My story is my story. Everything in this account can be backed up with paperwork and multiple corroborating witnesses most of whom are named. There is no implied or hidden story.

Originally published on on 3–23–20

For the past three and half years I’ve secretly worked as a researcher of the far right. The story I’m about to tell is bonkers. It involves an aging hipster, a hate group, an ambush by the NY Daily News, a phone call to the FBI, a surprise visit by the NYPD anti-terrorist task force, a bomb threat, homemade raw cat food and burlesque performers.

Before I get into it, I feel I need to introduce myself to any readers who might not already know me. I’m a 47-year-old divorcee in Brooklyn who lives with three cats. I’ve worked as a face and body painter for the past 19 years. I won’t waste too much time with my personal history except to say that up until 2013 I used to work as an emcee/producer in the burlesque scene in New York City. You can probably still find photos of me online in various costumes screaming or singing at strangers. I only mention my past with burlesque because it…



Juliet Jeske

Graduate student — Craig Newmark School of Journalism — CUNY Amateur researcher