Perla Guerrero
4 min readNov 29, 2018

How is it possible for some people to not be able to control their movements? How are we able to control our movements so easily when the science behind it is not so complex.

Many people do not take a second to think all the activity that is going on in your brain meanwhile you are reading these. Neuroscience is any or all of the sciences, such as neurochemistry and experimental psychology, which deal with the structure or function of the nervous system and brain. Most of us do not think about how the brain is responsible for sending signals to be able move. our motor skills are important to be able do everything. meanwhile for some of us we do not think about being able to move with control of your movements.

what happens when you are in control of those movements? reflexes are one type of involuntary movements and we don’t have any control on them but the voluntary muscles we do and it appears easy for us to just move our hands or type this but at the same time some of us know that there is a whole lot of activity that has to occur for the simplest things. The question is how if it is controlled by our brain mainly the cerebral cortex connects to the spinal cord that overlays the motor neurons, which neurons are the ones that help the brain stay connected to the muscles. each neuron is connected to a muscle which then makes that muscle move, lift, throw it back and more. Another way to see it is that the cerebellum receives information from the sensory systems, the spinal cord, and other parts in the brain which helps us with voluntary movements, which are your posture, balance, coordination and speech, which is illustrated in the image above.

If we can control our movements like lift the spoon, take soon to plate, get food and take to mouth, how is it possible for people to not be able to remember to do that after while of being suffering from Alzheimer’s diseases, also known senile dementia, this disease affects a person by slowly making them forget who are the people around them and forget their name and then they just don’t know how to eat and eventually forget how to breath. How is this illness able to affect our whole nervous systems so silently that there is no “cure”? in my source from job hopkins medicine article that “ Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive, neurodegenerative disease that occurs when nerve cells in the brain die.” symptoms include but are not limited to confusion, memory loss, and personality and behavior changes. there is no concrete cause of these disease but scientist believed it may due to their age or a certain gene, and abnormal protein deposits in the brain, environmental factors and immune system problems. this background information is for us to be able to understand a little more about our brain.

We don’t always stop to think what would happen if our brain just stops working because it has not failed us yet but what really happens when people lose the ability to control their voluntary movements and have problems with what was supposed to be involuntary movements.

this image above shows how the disease starts to “eat” parts of the brain. we can see how the ventricle has a larger gap then it should, the part where our language is stored is not as developed as in a normal brain.What we learned with how movements where all coming from signals that were sent to the neurons from our brain, if the disease start to kill our brain where our signals come from we cannot function anymore. There is no given solution for this disease because there is no given exact cause, but people can start training their minds, so that you never stop learning, read more than you normally read, taking vitamins that enhanced our brain is also a great way to help. If there is someone in your family that has been previous diagnosed you should take the initiative and get yourself through the test that exist, so that if you do have this illness you know what is going to happen as well as take precautions to explain to those around you and also for the time comes when the disease has progressed to your involuntary movements like breathing.