The First Chinese Poem-Guan Ju

Juliette Zheng
2 min readOct 22, 2022


A poem that every Chinese knows.

Guan Ju is the first poem in the first collection of ancient Chinese poetry, the Shi Jing, and is often considered to be a love song about a man and a woman in love. In the first chapter of the poem, the Guan Ju birds sing together and cling to each other, evoking the association of a lady with a gentleman.

关雎 (guān jū)

关关雎鸠 (guān guān jū jiū)

在河之洲 (zài hé zhī zhōu)

窈窕淑女 (yǎo tiǎo shū nǚ)

君子好逑 (jūn zǐ hǎo qiú)

参差荇菜(cēn cī xìng cài)

左右流之(zuǒ yòu liú zhī)

窈窕淑女(yǎo tiǎo shū nǚ

寤寐求之(wù mèi qiú zhī)

求之不得(qiú zhī bù dé)

寤寐思服(wù mèi sī fú)

悠哉悠哉(yōu zāi yōu zāi)

辗转反侧(zhǎn zhuǎn fǎn cè)

参差荇菜(cēn cī xìng cài)

左右采之((zuǒ yòu cǎi zhī)

窈窕淑女(yǎo tiǎo shū nǚ)

琴瑟友之(qín sè yǒu zhī)

参差荇菜(cēn cī xìng cài)

左右芼之(zuǒ yòu mào zhī)

窈窕淑女(yǎo tiǎo shū nǚ)

钟鼓乐之(zhōng gǔ yuè zhī)

This is the English version translated by Chinese master translator Xu Yuanchong.

Cooing And Wooing

By riverside are cooing

A pair of turtledoves;

A good young man is wooing

A fair maiden he loves.

Water flows left and right

Of cress long here, short there;

The youth yearns day and night

For the good maiden fair.

His yearning grows so strong,

He can not fall asleep,

But tosses all night long,

So deep in love, so deep!

Now gather left and right

Cress long or short and tender!

O lute, play music bright

For the bride sweet and slender!

Feast friends at left and right

On cress cooked till tender!

O bells and drums, delight

The bride so sweet and slender!

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