Birthday Survey?! What?!

Julie Wiegand
1 min readJan 16, 2017


It’s almost my birthday! I know you’re sitting there wondering how you can wish me a happy birthday. Take my survey is how! There is only a couple of days left till I close it. It is NOT gender specific and you do not have to be knowledgeable about fashion, social media, or textiles. It is completely confidential! Anyone between the ages of 18–35 can take it! All responses are invaluable to my research. Any data is good data! I only need 10–15 minutes of your time. Pass along/share this on your news feed to your friends and family! Thank you for your help!


I am currently working on my graduate thesis and researching engagement on social media with fashion brands. I am hoping to survey young consumers and believe that you could provide valuable insight.

I am curious if you would be willing to devote 10–15 minutes to take part in an online survey. The link is included below. If you are not between the ages of 18–35 please disregard this request. This survey is available now through Monday, December 5, 2016. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the survey.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Julie Wiegand

