How Mitchell Conquer Built the Best Marketing Agency in Canada

Julio Martinez
2 min readOct 31, 2020


Mitchell Conquer

It’s not news that a great headline helps to capture your target audience’s attention. By designing powerful campaigns that connect the right audience to the right message, any entrepreneur will gain success.

Mitchell Conquer believes that to be a good business owner, you need to be able to relate to your audiences. He provides a unique service that helps to generate organic leads and create a strong brand presence for his clientele.

Who is Mitchell Conquer?

Growing up in a home where nine-to-five jobs were the norm, Mitchell continued on this path. Shortly after, he realized that this wasn’t going to make him happy in the long run and it was time for change. Mitchell began doing marketing for real estate investors which exposed him to a multitude of opportunities. Through this experience, he gained valuable skills and expertise within the industry that he would later apply to his own business.

Mitchell created Investor Social which can be used as a growth partner. Investor Social provides a number of tools to their clientele. The focus is on generating leads, building fully functioning optimized websites, and growing social media accounts through creative content which helps to keep key audiences engaged.

This is what you need to know

Investor Social focuses on building brands through social media, comprehensive marketing strategies, lead generation tools, and proprietary marketing software which enables them to perform at a higher standard compared to their competition. Investor Social is delivering optimal results to their clientele which is helping them dominate the current marketing field. They have paired varying services into one package giving them a competitive edge within the industry.

Living in a competitive world and working within a competitive market pushes Mitchell Conquer to exceed expectations. Mitchell believes that by staying focused on a specific niche, you will gain more success than through trying to be a jack-of-all-trades. Staying focused, driven, and consistently researching are key driving factors.

Investor Social helps individuals stuck in old school marketing methods adapt to the social media norm by devoting the majority of their time to digital growth and other resources for development such as PR.



Julio Martinez

I write about interesting Entrepreneurs and the different ways to make money online.