Three Tokens That Should Be Top Fifty


Crypto Coup
The Dark Side
Published in
9 min readApr 17, 2019


Recent delistings leave the way clear for quality crypto to rise

Bitcoin SV, currently ranked at #15 on CoinMarketCap, is now being rapidly delisted by Binance, Kraken and others because of Satoshi-related claims. And that’s not the only token showing weaknesses in the top 50, let alone the top 100. Many of us have been waiting patiently for the best use cases to emerge, but they are being restricted by those who just want to create money out of thin air by forking, forking and forking again. Not only does this damage the industry, it prevents the best use cases from getting the exposure they deserve. Well, no longer. There are serious tokens out there, so let’s focus on three that should take Bitcoin SV’s place in the top 50 instead.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Pundi X (NPXS)

CoinMarketCap rank: #50
CoinGecko rank: #54

My candidate to beat down the top-50 door first, maybe even the top 20.

South-East Asia’s Pundi X is all about simplifying crypto spending — the ultimate goal is for everyone to be using it as a credit card. If you’re like most people, you normally use cash or a credit/debit card to pay for products. But Pundi X think you should be able to use your crypto too — even completely crypto. Deep down in our crypto bellies, that’s what we all want, isn’t it? The NPXS token developers agree and are pushing to have Ethereum-based Point-of-Sale smart devices distributed to hundreds of retailers, and they are doing a fantastic job so far of promoting the idea of moving beyond fiat money.

They put the use case simply. They couldn’t help but notice that many people are now turning to digital currency and there are plenty of reasons why. They want to make transactions, of course, but they also see how digital currency helps give options to those who are shut out from traditional financial services. It’s also a great way to get around FX issues and hedge against the often serious instability of fiat currency. People need this. Often very badly.

The reasons why it will succeed are becoming increasingly self-evident. Their XPOS payment solution is required, especially in emerging markets, to stabilize their payment ecosystems amid hyperinflation. They also want to get ahead of the curve, digitising and updating their payment infrastructures for the societal blockchain shift to come. Their expansion has been incredibly rapid, and XPOS devices are already live in 25 markets globally, with further growth planned for this year. They say they want to make transacting with digital currency as easy as buying a bottled water.

You see where they’re going with that, but this analogy won’t really resonate with many. Bottled water is a last resort for anyone with taste buds, unlike Pundi X who are purveyors of good taste. Nevertheless, as already proven, they make an excellent case for adoption, even prepared to waive service fees for one year to retailers that adopt the XPOS. Pundi X will also increase the list of digital currencies that merchants can accept and allow them to choose their preferred settlement currency via the Pundi X enterprise platform. Their progress seems to be completely unstoppable.

But the most reassuring aspect of this token is their focus on legal and regulatory frameworks and their implications. Not only have they done their analysis and research, they’ve made it public and want to engage with their token holders. It is this commitment to stay ahead of the regulatory curve, and their willingness to be up front over the issues they face, that underscores my faith in their abilities. Most recently, and testament to their professional approach, Pundi X recently announced that its XPOS system had successfully passed CE (Conformité Européenne) tests.

This confirms that the device complies with EU requirements essential for entering European Economic Area markets in a variety of environmental, health and safety standards. From a purely commercial perspective, the CE certification helps to quickly scale up of shipments to these markets. Everything about this token screams professionalism, competence and thoroughness. As you would expect, it is listed on Binance — one of the very few exchanges to consistently demonstrate the exact same values.

Cindicator (CND)

CoinMarketCap rank: #143
CoinGecko rank: #117

Space age, science fiction, slightly odd Cindicator. How I love thee. These guys are a bit left-field, but truly magnificent. Their proposition is simple. Imagine that you have access to the collective mind of everyone on the planet. Then take it a step further by imagining that this collective consciousness is enhanced by artificial intelligence. Sound scary? Read on but fear not. They ask you, as a token holder, to imagine a symbiosis between human and machine intelligence and ask you what you would do with that power.

Rather than being terrified by the prospect, like Elon Musk, they believe this fusing of man and machine has real value — and the market seems to be agreeing. Cindicator want to monetize individual smartness through the collective intelligence of financial analysts, data scientists, traders and investors like you and me. They’ve got the predictive analysis down pat, driving efficiencies and what have you. But if you’re not utterly confused by now, you’ve not been paying attention. This is an astonishing token, and here’s why.

The idea behind this token represents a breakthrough in predictive tools. Since many of these tools are controlled by individuals, they are open to market manipulation. With Cindicator (CND), market forecasting is done in a decentralized manner, eliminating this long-standing problem. Using efficient market hypothesis (EMH) theory, Cindicator collects data from as many sources as possible where there is no opportunity for manipulation to occur. By providing this element of certainty, Cindicator helps traders improve accuracy by avoiding manipulated predictions, downright lies, skewed market perspectives and other pitfalls.

Right now, everyone is wondering what is preventing CND from cracking the top 50. Points raised regarding pricing don’t appear to have substance, so the focus now is simply on raising awareness. With fake news and constant manipulation a mainstay in the financial markets, few people if any trust these sources anymore. And slowly we are all starting to feel the same way. The search for quality data is intensifying too, so it is clear that CND will go mainstream once push starts getting to shove. Competition is fierce and data is king. Especially good data — CND represents a crucial step towards that.

Cindicator helps level the playing field among investors, a feat beyond even the best financial service authorities around the world. But perhaps the best thing about Cindicator, like all the tokens in this list, is that you can start using it right now. With a working product in place, this puts all the hyped projects in the shade. Simply download the Cindicator app and start playing Merlin, making forecasts and telling the future. This is definitely something for the grouchy older men like me who think they’re right all the time. Well, now here’s our chance to make money out of this rare skill!

And if you’ve still got a straight face at this point, then why not put yourself to the test too! You’ll need CND, which you can find on Binance, to access the bot. Cindicator is definitely the coin to watch for pragmatic investors looking for long-term value growth. As always, look for balanced discussions on the merits and drawbacks of your tokens before investing. And, as ever, do your own research.

Hiveterminal (HVN)

CoinMarketCap rank: #483
CoinGecko rank: #517

Now for something completely different. Hiveterminal is a blockchain platform where businesses can sell their invoices at a discount, getting their funding immediately from investors who hold HVN tokens. After fronting a percentage of the cash, the investors funding these businesses get paid the full amount of the invoice on its due date. Beautiful and simple, and heaven sent by its admirers, HVN has however long flattered to deceive. Until recently it’s been loitering around the low 500s, but there are some very good reasons for this poor price performance — and why things are set to change.

Although it’s been rising up the ranks in recent weeks, Hiveterminal’s non-existent crypto marketing means that, of all the tokens in this list, they are furthest off the pace for a slot in the top 50. Taking an unusual approach to raising awareness, they steadfastly refuse to market to people already interested in cryptocurrencies. Their argument? They are wary of exchanges, and already have good options with Nauticus and HitBTC, which has been ranked in the top 10 for trading volume for at least 2 years.

But I still think they’re a top 50 token. Here’s why.

Although unorthodox for this industry, their arguments makes sense. Their biggest factoring and invoice financing competitor, Populous (PPT) (ranked #74), has no publicly available metric for platform activity and is reluctant to produce any evidence of invoices sold. Unlike their competitors, Hiveterminal also took the very responsible step of fully documenting the first invoice sale from the perspective of the investor and the small business — they seem to have been the first (and only) factoring token to do this. That’s why confidence is building among investors that Hiveterminal has the potential to grow the fastest of all the tokens on this list. If for no other reason than people are naturally attracted to winners and revenue generating platforms.

Since a major deal fell through last year, which crushed the price beyond belief, the mood among the community has been dark. During this time, Hiveterminal’s CFO Ugur Yildirim has been steadily turning what at first glance looked like an unflashy and deathly boring finance platform into one that is generating an internal rate of return (IRR) of around 40% for its investors. They are all getting paid too.

Yildirim’s efforts have been bolstered by the experienced CTO Dejan Jovanovic, who has been busy working with their long-term partner Adacta to develop a plugin for the MS Dynamics NAV (desktop version) and Dynamics 365 (web-based). This will allow Hiveterminal to communicate not only with the ERPs of Adacta’s clients, but any ERP service based on MS Dynamics. With release of the plugin expected any day now, this will serve as a strong foundation for international expansion after gaining traction in their domestic market of Slovenia.

Meanwhile, the fight for the invoices already posted has been intense, with most getting snapped up in just a few minutes. But with less than 20 invoices raised so far, they will need to start relaxing the entry criteria for small businesses to use the platform. Once the floodgates open, however, things should get interesting very quickly. They already opened up to institutional investment last week, which should attract more businesses looking for funding.

They have made buying HVN easy for non-crypto users too by introducing an over-the-counter (OTC) feature. The price of one HVN is set at EUR 1, and the price on the exchanges is currently around approx EUR 0.01. There’s even a USD/HVN fiat gateway at Livecoin. These seem to be the biggest gifts that Hiveterminal are giving the crypto community, and the prudent are accumulating already. The HVN token is essential to view and access the platform (currently HVN 50) and the investor fee of 1% of the funded invoice is also paid in HVN.

If invoice financing, factoring and audit really are perfect fits for blockchain technology, as argued by the Big 4 (PwC, E&Y, Deloitte and KPMG), then the future looks very bright indeed for this little Balkan beauty. They’ll be having a nose around soon enough, simply because they’re the only factoring platform on CoinMarketCap that’s actually generating significant revenue.

Note: As with all lists, there will be debate about those that get selected. If you know of an underappreciated token that is generating revenue with a working platform, please let me know in the comments below and I will write about it.

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