Dealing with the Rejection

write in the sky
4 min readDec 7, 2023


Pic taken from Pinterest

So currently, I’m back again with the new life issues. Lately, I’ve been feeling like a real freak. Have you ever been given a hope that’s uncertain or unclear to you, but you’ve already been swept away by the emotional current within you? It’s like when you’re in that “getting close” phase with someone, engaging in interesting chats for a short while, feeling the urge to meet them soon. Then, at a certain point, the desire pushes you to express a feeling to that person, but sadly, it ends up fruitless. In other words, they didn’t reciprocate your feelings. Another story I experienced earlier this year was when I applied for an internship at my dream company. I received an email for an interview and felt like the perfect fit for the position. After the interview, my confidence surged as everything went so smoothly, instilling a sense of assurance in me. Unfortunately, two weeks later, my email notification chimed in the morning, containing a message that went something like this: “We appreciate your enthusiasm, but unfortunately, we’ve decided not to proceed with your application.” Yes, both of those instances were “rejections.” Perhaps they’re just tiny fragments of the many experiences of being turned down in my life, and they truly sting. Suddenly, you feel anxious, disappointed, angry, and at the worst, you start hating yourself. Am I so foolish for this? Why can’t I have it? Is my life this pitiful? All these foolish questions just pop up instantly.

At that moment, you might have started dialing your closest friend and pouring out everything. However, the most frustrating part is receiving responses like “stay strong!” or “maybe it’s not the right time, be patient.” Then, when is the right time? Moreover, another frustrating feeling emerges when you’re looking forward to going on a date tonight with your crush. Unfortunately, less than an hour before meeting, they unilaterally cancel with a thousand apologies. It truly becomes an incredibly dreadful experience. So horrible. But, don’t misunderstand the negative energy I’ve shared in the previous messages, because this time, I want to widen your perspective about this very disturbing thing, and I hope together we can navigate through experiences like this more wisely. Here’s the lesson I’ve learned from the life recently.

Life is Much Biggest Than Us

We always focus on the smallest things, forgetting how immense our lives are in this world. We consistently play small. The inclination to not want to see more because there are too many places to fit in. And regarding this, I want to say YOU DON’T EVEN NEED TO FIT IN. The reason you struggle to fit in is because you only need to stand out, as you’re not like them. You’re different from them. So, why try to fit in? JUST STOP DOUBTING YOURSELF. Stop thinking that one thing not going your way or something you desire not happening means it’s the end of your life. That’s simply not true. You’ll meet new people. You’ll fall in love again. You’ll get another job that you never thought would suit you so well. Life is vast. Sometimes, something isn’t for us because we’re meant for something bigger. You just need to accept it. Recently, I’ve reflected on my life and realized that something I once wanted so badly didn’t come to me. I want to thank God for not giving it to me because it’s so clear now that it’s nothing compared to what I have at this point. Note that LIFE IS BIGGEST THAT YOU THINK.

Grateful for the Biggest Hurt

Don’t ignore your triggers. When you feel triggered by something small or silliest, don’t run away. Face it and ask yourself, ‘Why is that?’ ‘Why do I feel like this?’ Move forward and heal all those triggers. I’ve always reminded myself that all the desires within me and everything I want to create for my well-being are greater than my fears. I was rejected by dozens of companies, constantly polishing my CV because I refused to let it stop me. I didn’t want to go down. I’d never allow fear to win in this competition. Until I attained my position today, I started as a Waiter in a restaurant. Of course, the vision I crafted wasn’t that smooth to achieve. It required immense pain in the process. And the only thing you need to do is be grateful for failure. Every failure and pain means you’ve learned and passed that checkpoint. Congratulations! You’re heading toward the next checkpoint in your life.

Rejection Could be a Protection

Throughout the phases I have gone through in my life, I have realized that rejection is a form of protection, guiding me towards the best steps to take. Letting go when someone leaves your life means they are not meant for you. Start finding peace when people leave your life; you could be missing out on a lot. Know that every second of your life is a new beginning. You have control over every second of your life. You even have the control to also make rejections to protect yourself from the unwanted. Your rejection of something is proof of your love for yourself, not wanting to force yourself to do something you don’t like, right? So, throw away the notion that rejection is scary because in reality, we all do it to save ourselves.




Julsky (Jule in the sky)



write in the sky

i write about anything on my thought basically about life or strange love life. connect with me on instagram @julliuschrist