The 6 Types of Detox

7 min readDec 19, 2018


What is a Detox?

A detox is a period of time when you rid and abstain the body of toxic or unhealthy substances. Therefore, anything unhealthy can be detoxed. So, when I say detox I don’t just mean a food diet. Subsequently, a complete detox should include, unhealthy food, drugs, harmful chemicals,unhealthy people, electronics, social media, radiation, cleansing major organs,cleansing the mind, cleansing the emotions, cleansing the life energies,cleansing the body, cleansing the blood, deep cleaning the home and spending time in nature to name a few. In this post, I will define detox, types of detox and discuss the benefits.

Define Detox

Detox comes from Detoxification meaning the act of depriving of poisonous qualities; removal of addictive substances from the body. Conversely, this notion was just introduced in the early 20thcentury of the Gregorian Calendar and as a health treatment in 1997. Most importantly, detoxification is a derivative of purification. That is to say, purification is the act of cleansing, purifying and refining to free the spirit of pollution including mental, physical, emotional and energetic impurities.

The 6 Detoxes

There are 6 detoxes. However, the super 6 have several variations within them. Before I share the 6 detoxes we must first understand how impurities attach themselves to us; ingestion.

In short, ingestion is the process of absorbing information, impulses, or other substances through the mouth or the senses. As a result, senses are the way we experience the world. To clarify, neurologists and advanced indigenous traditions note far more than the basic 5 senses with 25. However, some of these senses haven’t fully developed in humans that aren’t initiated but can be observed in nature.

  1. Taste
  2. Touch
  3. Smell
  4. Sight
  5. Hearing
  6. Balance and Acceleration
  7. Temperature
  8. Proprioception (Kinesthetic/movement)
  9. Nociception (Pain)
  10. Stimulus (Sexual Stimulation)
  11. Interoception (Internal Sense)
  12. Time
  13. Agency (Sense of Control)
  14. Familiarity (Memory)
  15. Sense of Gravity
  16. Vomeronasal (Hormone Detection)
  17. Echolocation
  18. Electroception (Sense of Electric Fields)
  19. Magnetoception (Sense of Magnetic Fields)
  20. Hygroreception (Sense of Moisture)
  21. Infrared Sensing
  22. Pressure Detection
  23. Current Detection
  24. Polarized Light Detection
  25. Slit Sensilla

We receive information from each of these senses consciously and unconsciously. That is to say, even if we are not aware of the data, our brain is still processing this information and in subtle ways that affect our daily existence.

The 6 detoxes are:

  • physical
  • mental
  • emotional
  • energetic
  • surroundings
  • spiritual

Certainly, it is not possible to cleanse all of these senses with a drink or a simple diet. Therefore, a complete detox is needed for a full reset. Consequently, we absorb and process 400 Billion bits of information per second in our bran but are only aware of 2,000. That’s a lot of information and absorption daily that should be cleansed. Above all, while doing a detox abstain from the impurities that you are detoxing.

Physical Detox

When you hear about a detox this is the type that usually comes up. Most importantly, when detoxing the body stay away from processed sugar, white flour, white rice, and harmful chemicals. Juicing can add to the physical detox regimen I am about to share but is not required.

Here are 13 things you can do to detox the body fast.

  1. Drink Spring or Distilled Water (add Lemon to Supercharge)
  2. Stretch (Yoga)
  3. Intelligent Breathing
  4. Eat an Organic, Wholefood, Plant-Based Diet
  5. Intermittent Fasting
  6. Rest
  7. Sweat
  8. Exercise or Brisk Walking
  9. Increase Circulation with Dry Brushing
  10. Earthing in Nature
  11. Detoxing Herbs — Dandelion, Burdock, Ginger, Milk thistle, etc.
  12. High Fiber Foods
  13. Ablutions — Purification

Mental Detox

The mind can be a powerful tool or a destructive menace. That is to say if your mind is unclean life can be extremely difficult. The quickest way to detox the mind is through affirmation, mantra, and Hekau paired with meditation.

Here is a list of my 10 favorite ways to purify the mind.

  1. Ra’sPrayer
  2. The Great Gayatri Mantra
  3. Om Mani Padme Hum — Removes attachment to ego, jealousy, desire, prejudice, possessiveness, and hatred
  4. OM PAVANAYEI NAMAHA” (Salutations to Her who makes one pure.)
  5. Chakra Cleansing Meditation
  6. Zazen Meditation
  7. I am not the body, I am not the Mind” — Sadhguru
  8. Forgiveness
  9. “Today is a clean slate”
  10. “I am” — Soham

Emotional Detox

In the modern world, emotions are hacked by social media, food, music etc. Unfortunately, this overflow of emotion is unhealthy for human existence. Certainly, the most effective way to cleanse the emotional body is intelligence. Moreover, the brain cannot function from an emotional state and an intelligent state at the same time, to clarify, those are two different parts of the brain. Therefore, clarity, calm, inner assessment, and awareness will cleanse the emotions. An emotional detox does cleanse negative emotions but not directly. For instance, a traffic jam is the result of heavy congestion, clearing that congestion will allow all cars to flow freely, not just the lemons or low emissions.

In short, an emotional detox is like clearing a traffic jam.All congested thoughts will begin to flow freely. Subsequently, the thoughts need to flow an atmosphere conducive to clarity or else they will be reburied recreating congestion.

Here are 3 ways to create an atmosphere for intelligent clarity:

  1. Clean your space, let in sunlight and air it out
  2. Spiritual Practice that requires introspection
  3. URBN Zen’s BRAKE tool (Breathe, Relax, Assess, Known, Engage)

Energetic Detox

Depression is described as “Energy Down” in traditional cultures. That is to say, it is a lack of vitality and vibrancy. Therefore, the life energies can be boosted or cleansed. However, I recommend doing both to rid the body of entities that can be draining vital energy.

Here are 10 methods of boosting and cleansing the life energies:

  1. Salt Baths (Cleanse)
  2. Baking Soda (Cleanse)
  3. Frankincense or Sage (Cleanse)
  4. Spiritual Practices that Manipulate Life Energy — i.e. Ka’at Ibi, Chi Gong, Tai Chi, Falun Dafa etc… (Cleanse or Boost)
  5. Pyramid of Light — Guided Meditation by URBN Zen
  6. Bee Pollen and Yohimbe ***My Favorites*** (Boost)
  7. Laughter (Boost)
  8. Herbs for Energy — Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Ginseng, Basil, etc…
  9. Dancing [Movement] — (Boost)
  10. Music [Sound Healing] — (Boost and Cleanse)

Surroundings Detox

This detox is often overlooked but is one of the most important as it produces immediate results. On the other hand, detoxing your surroundings create a cohesive atmosphere for all other detoxes.

Here are 10 things to keep in mind when detoxing your surroundings:

  1. Toxic People
  2. Harmful Chemicals
  3. Radiation
  4. Toxic Conversations — Mute Day
  5. Music
  6. Television
  7. Electronic Devices
  8. Internet and Social Media
  9. A deeply cleaned home
  10. Purification of living and common spaces (Home, Car, Work Desk etc.)

Spiritual Detox

I saved the best for last. To clarify, the ablution or spiritual detox is the most potent and penetrates every other fast. As a result, doing ablutions in conjunction with any other detox will magnify the effects. Ablutions are spiritual cleanses that work by purifying the mind, body, and spirit with the power of divinities, the elements, and chemicals. I recommend starting and ending the day with ablutions to keep the home clean from daily impurities outside of the home. However, ablutions are only the first aspect of a spiritual detox.

Here are the aspects to a spiritual detox:

  1. Ablutions
  2. The 77 Divine Ordinances for Human Behavior
  3. Fasting
  4. Praying
  5. Spiritual Work at the appropriate times and spaces (i.e. zemzems)
  6. Spiritual Exercises — Ka’at Ibi, Yoga, Falun Dafa, Tai Chi, Qi’ gong etc…
  7. Mantra, Hekau or Chanting
  8. Meditation on pure or spiritual principals and thoughts
  9. Subjugation or abstinence of the Senses and/or Pleasure
  10. Chemical Cleanse (Usually with Water charged with Divine Force)

Detox Benefits

A detox can have several benefits depending on which one you use. The benefits can range from physical, mental, emotional, energetic, proximal or spiritual purification of impurities.

Here are several results observed from completion of one or all six detoxes:

  • Improved energy
  • Weight loss
  • Stress reduction
  • Mental and Emotional Clarity
  • Clear Skin
  • Relief from Constipation
  • No More Headaches
  • Pain Reduction
  • Restfulness
  • Controlled Cravings
  • Cleansing of Corruption
  • Healthier Environment
  • No More Food Addiction
  • Prevents Chronic Disease
  • Enhance Immune Function
  • Improve Quality of Life
  • Reset of Bodily Systems

Detoxing clears congestion in our life and allows us to have optimal health and dynamic quality of life.

URBN Zen helps families and business leaders build and maintain physical and mental well-being.

UrbnZen Co-Founder, Julius Deshon Jackson

Julius Deshon Jackson has worked in wellness, commercial real estate, the music industry, insurance and finance. Julius has 10 years experience in Holistic Wellness Coaching. Julius teaches Yoga, Meditation, Sound Healing and Healthy Living to companies, families and individuals. He has committed himself to cultivating joy in everything he does.

