Simple Writing Tips: 4 Steps to Improving your Art

Julius Musya
4 min readOct 23, 2022


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

If I ever met a very successful person in their field, the most probable question I would ask would be, “How do you do it?”.

I would wish to know how they maintain their levels of consistency for long periods of time, deal with frustrations, and how they still find motivation despite reaching the top.

As a writer, it is imperative that I progress in my field. Without progress, there is no room for growth. In this ever-changing world, stagnation and regression point to a dying craft.

How then, can a writer keep their upward trajectory? Here are 4 steps to keep improving your art:

1. Keep Writing

One article is not enough. Neither is one book. As long as you finish one, there is room for another. Never allow room for settling.

Back in 2014, the late author Dr. Myles Munroe did an interview with former CNN journalist, Jeff Koinange. In that interview, Dr. Munroe asked Jeff how many books he had authored. “Just one,” Jeff replied. Dr. Munroe reminded him there was room for more— not to settle for one.

A successful writer may never reveal how many failed pieces they keep hidden in their closets. However, they will tell of how they won the battle against procrastination and lethargy.

Tyler Perry, at the end credits of his musical, Aunt Bam’s Place insists on the words, “Keep going! Keep dreaming! Keep believing!” He briefly reminded the audience that he would not have been where he was if he had stopped and given up at any point.

2. Spend more time learning

I am an ardent football fan supporting Arsenal Football Club. Whether they win or lose, there is one consistent factor that the players have in common — training.

A football match lasts for only ninety minutes. However, the work that the players put in before competing with their opponents reveals the power of learning. From training sessions to watching opponent videos, the athletes have had to learn more before they play a game.

Similarly, a writer may do a piece in an hour or two, even the whole day. They have however spent more time reading related material, consulting other people, and researching different niches.

Without due diligence, a written piece can end up bland and uninspiring. A writer needs to value research and learning, to make their art admirable. Do you have time set apart for gaining knowledge and training yourself in different writing techniques?

Creative writers have a wide array of places to gain knowledge from. For instance, Charles Dickens based his book, The Signal Man, on a train crash that he was involved in. He relived a traumatic experience and transformed the incident into words for his beloved audience.

3. Rest

We should never stop writing, right? Well, not exactly! Rest is a crucial step in any writing process. Our minds require recuperation from the stresses we expose them to in our daily activities.

I once read about the sleep routines of some of the world’s most successful people and that had me intrigued. They had close to similar hours of sleep, showing that a good rest brings out the best in them.

There are periods when any creative experiences sleepless nights, or burns the midnight oil trying to do something substantial. While such periods are invaluable in any successful journey, they should never take the place of getting enough rest.

Bill Gates wrote:

“Once or twice, I stayed up two nights in a row. I knew I wasn’t as sharp when I was operating mostly on caffeine and adrenaline, but I was obsessed with my work, and I felt that sleeping a lot was lazy.”

He later explained how pulling all-nighters and not getting at least eight hours of sleep took a toll on him. In his blog, he reiterates the importance of rest, citing an expert opinion from medical doctors.

4. Develop a routine

Are there days that you decide to just wing it? You choose to write a page or two, then spend the rest of the day running away from the desk.

I remember how easily I opted to complete house chores so that I would not sit behind my desk and write. Other times, I could complete a two-day task in a single day, without compromising on quality.

A writer can literally finish a huge chunk of a book in a single day after postponing the project for weeks.

However, most successful and sustainable writing projects require meticulous planning and sticking to a certain script. Some simple routine tips include:

  • Have a minimum daily word threshold
  • Set time for research, writing, and rest.
  • Have long and short-term goals.
  • Set aside time for progress review.

Ralph Keyes, an American writer, said:

“Serious writers write, inspired or not. Over time they discover that routine is a better friend than inspiration.”

A good routine brings out the best in any writer, creating discipline, commitment, and hard work.

As you consider these 4 steps, ask yourself where you wish to be as a writer in the next few years. Take that course, start that blog, and look forward to becoming a better writer.



Julius Musya

Blogger| Fiction Writer| Lover of History and Literature| Top Rated on Upwork