DOG DATA: Dog assistance platform based on Blockchain

3 min readMay 12, 2020


Creatures could turn into a decent ally to the person who cares for them. It is with no uncertainty that one of the most kept pets is dogs which after some time have demonstrated to be man’s closest companion. It is just normal for an individual to want to possess a pet, pets are creatures tamed with the point of getting delighted from them instead of utilizing them for utility. Whenever treated right, As we individuals, will in general deal with ourselves both wellbeing smart in different angles, it is likewise the obligation of a pet attendant to deal with their pets.

Dog guardians and reproducers have been confronting a ton of issues concerning the great prosperity of their dogs, for example, hereditary based medical issues which may bring about shorter future and different issues.

DOGDATA: DogData is a platform created by some concerned arrangement of individuals that are eager to take the jump and carry a more noteworthy change to both pet dog proprietor and dog reproducers.

DOGDATA is a platform based on blockchain that utilizes different development innovations, for example, AI and Machine figuring out how to improve Dog government assistance, Dog reproducing, and Dog information through the arrangement of a prize system with the sole point of making Dog care and government assistance better.

DOGDATA works on the blockchain thus it consequently acquires every one of its benefits. The token (digital money) assigned for an exchange on Dog data platform is the Etherbone token (ETHBNT). The other bone token is made utilizing a private blockchain to make arrangement for limits and furthermore they can be utilized all around on the grounds that the token itself isn’t a digital currency

The significant point of DogData is to carry association to the dog raiser and dog proprietor network, they expect to accomplish this and much progress through the accompanying:

DogExpert: Dog master help to give data to Dog proprietors that will help improve their Dog’s medicinal services and government assistance in return for remuneration.

4Dogs Market place: this resembles a web-based shopping platform however with smart channels to help Dog proprietors and raisers pick the best and most reasonable dog items for their dogs breed.

Family Chain: family chain is an open blockchain made to empower simple administration and referencing of dog life data. It permits global dog breed proprietors to effortlessly enlist their dogs. These data submitted are utilized to help the proprietor and considerably different proprietors at whatever point needs be.

DNA tracker: AI and profound learning specialists can be handily counseled on the Dog data platform to help select the best variety blend using large data and profound learning.

DOGDATA portable application: tells and helps dog proprietors and dog reproducers monitor dog occasions through web-based life, area innovation, and hash labels (catchphrases).

Dog deal smart agreement: this empowers simple and made sure about exchange (deal) between Dog Owners and/or dog reproducers. The dog deal smart agreement is naturally refreshed on the family chain moving possession and different subtleties to the new Owner or reproducer.


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Btt username: juliwantslove

Btt url:;u=2443607;sa=summary

ETH address: 0x0e02363F12eaBeE63ce2D4F30f34A0E2770d5422

