5 Steps to a Simple Life: Easy Actions that Yield Results

Jennifer Ullrich
3 min readJun 19, 2017


Sometimes thinking about all we want to change to create a simple life can be more difficult than actually taking the first step to make the changes we want to see. Starting can be hard. How can you work towards a simpler life when you’re not sure what to do next?

Find What Bugs You

The areas in life that could be simplified are usually the things that cause frustration.

Think about areas in your life where you feel dissatisfied. Maybe unanticipated expenses during the month send your budget off kilter. Or you’ve been putting off going to the doctor because you’re afraid to address a health issue, but you know you need to make that appointment.

While I’ve been actively making changes to simplify my life over the last few years, I still have a long way to go and a lot to do. I struggle with prioritizing what I need to do each day and balancing those responsibilities with time for growth, creativity, and enjoyment.

Finding what bugs you is a good indicator about which area in your life needs simplifying. Get clear on what needs to be addressed first so you can focus your energy and make positive changes.



Jennifer Ullrich

Writer, teacher, dog lover, book nerd, and recovering perfectionist. Creating a simple life with less stuff.