“You don’t have to be born beautiful to be wildly attractive.”

4 min readNov 17, 2019


From the documentary “Septemper issue” , It may easy for you to understand Anna Wintour’s real life , which is just exhausting as common people.

But It’s difficult to find somthing in common from the life of Diana Vreeland. She learnt everything in fashion without a mentor , comparing to the Anna Wintour,who worked day and night,Diana barely maked efforts.

Without experiencing the hard way from the green hand to the master, she easily got the job in Bazaar just because of wearing the classic chanel suits.

She changed the meaning of fashion culture in the last century , turning her good taste into the stunning images in the Bazaar magazine.

Someone asked her the reason why she could handle such a amazing job, and she answered,”The first thing to do is to arrange to be born in Paris. After that,everything follows quite naturally.”

Diana Vreeland in Yves Saint Laurent’s Paris Apartment

That’s why people always say that a good taste is born with probability. In one book called 《CLASS》that points out the good taste is growing with class environment.

It’s all lies when people try to teach you how to get a good taste in a book,honestly to say, a good taste can not be taught.

But if Diana only achieved everything with her good taste , then her inspiration could easily drain out.It’s has been said by herself , “Too much good taste was boring.”

In addition to the gifts,Diana used the wisdom that was learnt from her experience,and it’s called a unique sense of humour and insight.

In her time , most of women articles were lack of these two characteristics , only caring about make njoyable dinner to please their husband.

Even now , a small group of the social media are still broadcasting the similiar thoughts.

The column — “why don’t you” published on 《Bazaar》in 1936 and it also the first full-time job for Diana.

The column of “Why don’t you?”

If you have ever watched 《Downton Abby》, You may get the idea that ladies from top-class barely have formal jobs ,So did Diana.

Before the Bazaar’s job , she lived in quite a relax and comfortable life without getting so early for work.

There are only a few pieces of informations about this marvellous column. From the existing newspaper images , I pick up ten fascinating and chic advice that may still enlight us.

In order to remember the column , 《Bazaar》published the similar column in 2014 by imitating Diana’s wrting style.

That’s a easy thing for someone to copy colours or patterns from clothes,but copying one’s ideas or thoughts is extremely hard,especially the one is Diana.

I’ve seen so many articles about Diana Vreeland before. Her not good — looking face was mentioned a lot. Think about it , if someone owns too much valuable things than her appearance,does her apperance ever important?

The answer is Yes for Diana,because “You don’t have to be born beautiful to be wildly attractive.”

The documentary-《The eye has to travel》




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