Nick Swan
1 min readMar 5, 2017

Jarhead, 2005, 5/10

Nothing specially interesting, one more movie about war with question about how we can describe modern war in our’s culture. From the middle of 10’s years of new century we already have answer to this question as well we have few worth movie about Iraq War (Hurt Locker, for example). Jarhead not the number of them. Director and crew trying to represent the new band of young guys (old actually, with old archetypes) on new type of war, but we get several cliche’s from Vietnam War and nostalgia for a good old war movies.

I also watched this movie because of Jake Gyllenhaal’s talent, which is so shining currently, but I found again only his desire to find roles with rich and complex psychological overtones. At current moment, he continues to do it more than successful.

Nick Swan

About cinematograph on my bad English