How to claim your “Active Developer Badge” on Discord?

This guide will contain easy steps to host your discord bot to run and claim your “Active Developer Badge”.

Juman Shandillya
3 min readFeb 26, 2023
Thumbnail made by JumanJi


I hate the guides of claiming discord active developer badge on GitHub they are quite confusing at first so i made this article to help you start your discord bot development journey today by implementing some codes and start developing more projects on discord. This article will guide you easiest posible way to claim your Active Developer Badge. So lets get into it..

What is “Active Developer Badge” ?

It’s a new badge on discord where everyone is dieing to claim it. The Active Developer Badge is available to any developer or team that owns at least one active application (app), verified and unverified, alike! For your app to be considered active, it will need to have executed an application command in the last 30 days. Don’t have an active app yet? No worries you can after this blog article.

Screen shot from official announcement of Discord Developer Server.

How To Setup ?

We are using GhostBot here to make this ready made and good to go and if you dont even know how to code then this will make your life easy and simple to claim your Active Developer Badge.

  1. First of all Open up and create a new project and paste the bot client token in the bot token section and click on “create bot" button.
Screenshot from Botghost

2. Click on the add commands button to add the command to your bot. Here is the 🔗 direct link to add the command.

Screenshot from Botghost

3. Next step select the bot and click on the Add button to click and you are all done.

Screenshot from Botghost

4. Now go to Custom Command module and scroll down and check if the say command is implemented.

Screenshot from Botghost

5. If you see the say command then you follow the article correctly.

Screenshot from Botghost

6. Finally invite the bot to your server or private server and run the command and claim the badge the following next part below will guide you how to claim.


Claim the Active Developer Badge here!

Finally, select the channel within the designated server for the Developer News channel to appear in. This will allow for updates about Discord API and Developer News to be sent right to your server's channel.

Once these steps are complete, you should see your new Active Developer Badge on your Profile! Congratulations!

❤️ Thanks for reading! I hope this article helps you and if it is then make sure to follow me on Twitter to get updates and follow me on Medium for more Blogs Articles.

Also make sure to join my cute little community on discord!



Juman Shandillya

Hiya! I'm JumanJi I'm online community manager and moderator on discord, also i do magic with discord.js. Apart from that im a freelance digital creators.