Module 06

Jaime (Jumi) Yoon
3 min readOct 19, 2018



We’ve met every Tuesday morning and discussed our project or what we’ve done during the weekend (this week I am making the wireframe, prototype of version 1, 2). In the meeting, we gave and took feedback from each other. I think it was quality time for every teammate. This week we focused on the more detailed user experience and visual design.

Here are what I’ve contributed to our project.

  1. Make Low fidelity wireframe (version1,2)

2. Make prototype for user testing

3. Uster testing

4. Updated slides of Information Architecture, our solutions, how it works

5. Cooperate making the presentation

1. Wireframe

I created digital wireframes for the first user testing; our primary target audiences are pet owners and secondary target audiences are helpers (pet walkers, pet sitters, firefighters, other PetGuard users).

Lo-Fi Wireframe (version 01)_Adobe XD
User testing with first version of wireframe

2. User Testing

I tested my friend who has one small dog, her main concern is what if dangerous situations happen to the dog when she is not home. I’ll test another friend next week. She has already participated in surveys on our apps from the beginning and she said that her dog bitten by raccoon in her backyard a few days ago. She told me she wants to buy our device and app if it exists in the real world. I also got feedback from user testing that some pages are difficult to understand and included unnecessary steps.

3. Revised wireframe ( 2nd version)

Based on the first user testing, I revised first version of the wireframe and making a prototype for second round of user testing.

2nd version of wireframe
User Flow ( Pet owner register device → Get alert → Check pet’s status → Send a message to pet walker)

4. Prototype

For the second round of user testing, I created prototype using Adobe XD, I think we still need some of pages but user flow works quite well.

Working on the prototype(version 02)_ Adobe XD

Prototype link;

This is a prototype video of the task that the pet owner registers the device and their information.

Task 1 for Pet owners (Register device and application)

This is a prototype video of the task when a pet walker receives an alert from a pet owner to check the status of the pet and go to save the pet.

Task 2&3 for Pet walker (A pet walker gets a alert and goes to save a pet)

5. Updated IA, slides of our solution based on the new version

Updated new Information Architecture (Left) and Our solution (Right)

