Thank you, San Francisco!

500 Bikes. 100,000 Riders. 1,000,000 Trips.

4 min readAug 30, 2019

Yesterday, JUMP hit our 1 millionth trip in San Francisco — thank you all for riding with us! Endless appreciation for each of our riders and the SF community for your continued support. It’s been an honor to be a part of your morning commutes, daytime errands, and rides home.

As for the person who took the millionth ride, here’s how we’re celebrating:

  • One year’s worth of free JUMP trips, good for 60-minutes per day
  • A Thousand Helmet in the color of their choice
  • A visit to JUMP HQ for a behind the scenes look at our bike design and prototyping workshop, with lunch on me, and a bike ride around the neighborhood
  • JUMP swag: sunglasses, shirt, and a jacket

We’re impressed with your riding — a million rides with only 500 bikes in a little over 1.5 years! Back in February, we celebrated our 1-year anniversary and shared that our ridership base had grown to over 63,000 riders. With this weekend’s millionth trip, that number has grown to over 100,000 residents and visitors riding in San Francisco on JUMP bikes, a significant increase of butts on bikes in only 6 months.

More than just the sheer volume of trips taken, the data shows just how JUMP is changing travel and commuting habits in San Francisco. To put this in perspective, the average trip length has been 2.6 miles, or about 30% farther than the average trip length reported by other docked bikeshare systems in 2017. 15% of all trips have exceeded 4 miles, showing that you can comfortably cover distances typically driven by car on an e-bike instead. And 29% of these 4+ mile trips occurred during peak commuting hours.¹ Our riders have now surpassed 2.6 million miles of e-bike distance and crisscrossed nearly every street in San Francisco.

And our utilization rates have continued to set a high bar in the industry. Since launch, our bikes have averaged over 7 rides per bike per day, eclipsing the industry average of 1–2 rides per bike per day for docked systems.

Our commitments to SF’s neighborhoods

In our daily operations, we have continued to focus our efforts on ensuring broad availability and equitable distribution of bikes throughout the system. A key component of this is delivering bike availability in Communities of Concern (CoCs), which is a requirement in our permit. While the City’s standard is 20% bike availability in CoCs every day between 6am-10pm, in 2019 we consistently outperformed this by averaging 26%. We can see how this high level of availability translates into actual ridership, since 50% of all trips either started or ended in a CoC.

In addition, through analyzing our trip distribution we discovered that more than a third of our trips in San Francisco are ending in parts of the city which have limited public transportation or docked bike share. We published a blog post this past March detailing data on the subject here. It’s exciting to see our bikes bridging these transportation gaps by providing additional travel options across various communities.

And our team has been out there in 2019 connecting with the community and hosting events, meeting neighbors, community organizers, and our elected officials. We continued our successful partnership with the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition to provide free e-bike safety training classes and held community input workshops across various neighborhoods to gather feedback. We’ve held Boost plan outreach events with the San Francisco YMCA Urban Services and hosted neighborhood ride-alongs to introduce folks to riding e-bikes. To date, we have attended, partnered, and hosted nearly 300 events with almost 100 different organizations.

What else is keeping us busy?

In the last update, we shared news about our recently launched bike and our entry into the scooter market. Since then, we’ve announced even more upgrades, including the next bike with user-swappable batteries and newly introduced scooters with improved durability and larger wheels. We know how important hardware innovation is in this field, and we’re committed to pushing for improvement on the vehicles you ride because, well, we ride them too.

We’ve also been traveling quite a bit, with new international launches in Canada (Montreal), New Zealand (Wellington), Spain (Madrid and Malaga), the UK (London), Portugal (Lisbon), Belgium (Brussels), France (Paris), and just last week in Mexico City. Here stateside we added Baltimore, Miami, Tampa, and Nashville, while further growing vehicle reliability in our earlier cities. A full list of cities we now call home can be found here. This means you can rely on us when traveling, using the same app and account to find a bike or scooter near you.

Hope to see you out there!

Ryan Rzepecki

[1]: Commuting hours are defined as weekdays between 7am — 10am and 4pm — 7pm

