Junaid Khan
1 min readAug 28, 2017


You are a moron and uneducated on the subject. Clearly you have been brainwashed by media.

It’s not harsh just plain stupid lies about Islam advocates oppression of women. If that were true there wouldn’t be billions of muslim women also did you know the worlds first university in spain was opened by a Muslim women who followed Islam. At a time when the rest of the world saw women as second class citizens.

Ch.24:31 It says men and women should protect their gaze i.e. Not watch porn, not indulge in fornication and not be vulgar in appearance. If you would like your sisters and daughters to this your a moron.

Ch.3:56 It says God will punish those who reject and disbelieve and live immoral lives. So this is not advocating violence.

Ch.7:80–81 This quoting what Prophet Lot said at the time of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Muslims believe a penis is not made to fuck a mouth or anus and that it’s purpose is to make babies and pleasure your wife.

I.S.I.S is an acronym for Israeli Secret intelligence Service.

Your irrational fears of religion and your lack of knowledge do make you a moron.

How ever the Saudi version of a colonised Islam is fucked up.

