Strange Encounter

Junaid Khan
4 min readJan 14, 2024


It was a scorching summer day in 2003 when I headed to the local fruit and vegetable market in my hometown of Burewala. I went there to purchase some vegetables and fruits. After I had bought what i needed, I made my way towards one of the market exits. Along the way, I came across a beggar lying unconscious on the ground. His entire body was covered in a disfiguring disease, likely leprosy.

Mysterious man

I felt a deep sense of sympathy for him as I walked past, and I placed a 5-rupee note on his outstretched arm. As I put the money in his palm, he stirred and said to me, “Hey, come here. I want to give you something.” Fearful of contracting his illness, I responded, “Thank you, I need nothing.” He spoke in a louder voice and urged me to stop. I replied, “Don’t ask me to stop.” However, he gazed directly into my eyes and said, “One day, you will stop.”

Usually, these beggars pretended to possess mystical powers and believed that their prayers could transform one’s life for the better. I paid little attention to his words and continued on my way.

Time passed, and in 2006, my father passed away. At 21 years old and as the eldest of six siblings, I became responsible for my family as the primary breadwinner. In 2007, I was working as a territory sales officer for a product distribution company. My job required me to take orders in the city and its surrounding areas. Summers in Punjab, Pakistan, are sweltering, and my hometown in southern Punjab is known for its extreme heat. Often, as I rode my bike to various locations to take orders, I would offer a lift to anyone waiting for transportation, even if it meant going out of my way.

One day, as I was traveling away from the city, I saw an elderly man waiting for a bus in the scorching heat. I stopped and informed him that I hadn’t seen any buses heading that way. I suggested that I could take him to the next station, where buses from various directions arrived. He accepted my offer and sat behind me. However, I had barely resumed my journey when he said, “Didn’t I tell you that one day you’d stop?” His words sent a chill down my spine, and I felt a mixture of fear and dread. I stopped in the middle of nowhere, the sun blazing overhead, hot wind blowing, and the two of us standing by the roadside, locked in a silent gaze.

Breaking the silence, the old man said, “The other day, I wanted to give you something. Now, tell me, what do you desire?” I stood there, a confusing mix of amazement, fear, and astonishment. I had entirely forgotten about the beggar I had helped years ago, who had been afflicted by illness. Now, he stood before me in apparent good health, ready to complete the unfinished transaction. After some hesitation, I began sharing my story, explaining that my father had passed away, and I was now the eldest, working tirelessly to support my family with little earnings. I hadn’t even finished my tale when he interrupted, asking, “So, you desire wealth, is that it?” Although the question seemed straightforward, I replied that I wished for prosperity and happiness for my family. His face displayed a profound disappointment, and he instructed me to leave immediately, adding, “You are free from now on.”

Internally, I wondered whether I had given the wrong answer and missed an opportunity to gain something valuable. However, I dared not argue with him and opted to leave. As I turned to depart, he warned me not to look back, and I took his command seriously, walking away without a backward glance.

This experience left me pondering, prompting me to seek answers and inquire further. I reached out to a few friends who were interested in well-being and spirituality, without revealing the full story, to connect me with enlightened individuals. I met two semi-religious mystics separately.

When I shared my story with the first mystic, he affirmed that my response had been correct. I hadn’t succumbed to greed, which might have led to a life of misery. The second mystic, however, disagreed, stating that my response had been incorrect, and I should have considered my own desires and needs rather than focusing on my family’s well-being. This left me even more perplexed.

Nevertheless, I may never fully understand the purpose of this experience, and I might continue to wonder. It did, however, open my heart and mind, leading me to believe that there is much more to the world than we comprehend. Since then, I have become more open to people’s stories and less judgmental in my approach.



Junaid Khan

Personal growth consultant, story teller and writer