God’s Throne

Junaid Mohammed
2 min readMar 1, 2019

God’s throne sits atop the highest of heavens
Peering below he watches all of his children
To be just and gracious is God’s focus
But it seems like his people never notice

God’s throne is the mightiest seat
He sits in it and mulls over his people’s deceit
The gifts that he provides should bring worship
But the gifts he provides are reciprocated with more burden

God’s throne is majestic, but empty today
He paces the heavens furiously because of his children’s display
The people below have participated in too much debauchery
He sends them the sea so that they give him an apology

God’s throne provides the best view of the sea’s terror
His punishment quickly brings him back many prayers
He watches his people recieve his punishment
Feeling pity, he forgives them for their transgressions

God’s throne has become dull and rusty
His children’s deceit has gone on for eternities
Each disaster brings him more and more believers
But each time liberation is provided he receives less and less prayer

God’s throne is empty again today
The Angel’s have never seen the heavens in this much disarray
The people below cry for help after another disaster
But how can the people expect help when God’s prayer was never answered

