Your Year-End To-Do List Isn’t Complete Without These Unusual Tasks

Beyond Banks and Bills

6 min readDec 23, 2023
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As the year ends, it’s common to focus on financial tasks like checking taxes and budgeting for next year. However, limiting preparations to just finances can leave other important areas overlooked. This time of transition provides an opportunity to tidy loose ends across all domains of life. We set ourselves up for a fresh start in the new year by thinking beyond routine checklists. Let’s detail 10 unusual yet crucial things worth inspecting before year’s end — from tools to emergency supplies. Taking a comprehensive audit encourages carrying forward only our strongest selves prepared for whatever may come.

1. Expired Food Items

Begin in the pantry and refrigerator, sorting through each shelf and drawer. Check expiration dates on canned goods, condiments, baking ingredients, beverages, and anything else stored long-term. Toss items too far past their prime to avoid sickening ourselves or loved ones unnecessarily. Compost or dispose of expired goods properly without guilt, recognizing impermanence as natural law freeing space for nourishing new beginnings. Make a list of the most-used basics to restock efficiently. After breezing through this de-cluttering process, breathe lighter celebrating abundance simply present rather than chasing nostalgia through hoarding remnants from past seasons no longer serving the highest good.

2. Recycling Stockpile

Ransack garages and closets locating paper piles, moving boxes, and other recyclable materials likely accumulating unused since the last cleanout. Bundle newspapers, catalogs, non-confidential documents, and cardboard for drop-off if local centers still accept through the holiday season. Discover surprises forgotten long ago lifting spirits through purging versus dwelling in the past alone. Alternatively, shred or burn sensitive papers protecting identity thoroughly. Notice renewed spaciousness through simply embracing the impermanence of even useful things no longer serving current rhythms and needs of constantly evolving mind-body residing temporary vessels destined to return to Nature eventually.

3. Pet Care Supplies

Check food and water bowls ensuring furry family members feel nourished, refreshed, and cared for throughout whatever transitions lay ahead together or apart. Note expiration dates on medications like heartworm prevention and stock fresh supplies before post-holiday shipping delays. Refresh toys, leashes, poop bags, and any other necessities bringing daily joy. Consider budgeting preventative wellness procedures for the new year ahead. Show animal loved ones equivalent care showered on human relations deserving nurturance; together traverse all seasons through compassion sustaining far beyond momentary provisions alone.

4. Camping Gear Maintenance

For outdoors enthusiasts, carve time unpacking and inspecting all equipment. Test stoves, lanterns, and fire starters; replace canisters or repair issues before venturing into the wilderness unprepared. Inflate sleeping pads and air out bags; patch or wash fabrics to remove musty odors accumulated when stored damply. Inspect the structural integrity of tents, tarps, poles, and ropes replacing frayed or compromised safety gear. Consider condensing collections to essential setups reducing clutter. Rediscover lightness carrying only equipment elevating adventures versus possessions weighing journeys down. Renew enthusiasm venturing forth refreshed into unknown spaces.

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5. Tool Inventory

Summon any tools nesting garage drawers, sheds, or workshops — from hammers and drills to saws, ladders, and yard equipment. Remove accumulated rust and grime through cleaning. Check for loose screws, handles, or electric cords dangerously deteriorating. Note what may need replacing or repairing versus merely reorganizing for logical retrieval. Consider donating outgrown tools that no longer fit tasks ahead versus passively collecting disuse. Gain clarity distinguishing essential from sentimental through conscious minimizing; travel light carrying what uplifts ahead versus burdens dragging behind. Register any high-value serial numbers to prevent theft.

6. Clothing Donations

Raid closets searching for unworn items are still useful to others facing colder seasons. Bundle coats, sweaters, pants, boots, and accessories are no longer treasured or fitting personally yet dignifying recipients during difficult stretches. Deliver contributions before holiday giving expires for yearly tax receipts benefitting charities through small gestures. Notice lightness replacing previous attachments to possessions now energizing lives elsewhere. Each release uplifts multiply through renewed circulation versus static collecting dust privately. Shift focus outward recognizing all circumstances stands transition and interconnection roots humanity regardless of present status alone.

7. Automotive Fluids Check

Pop hoods inspecting oil, transmission, brake, power steering, and windshield wiper fluid levels. Top off as needed or replace entirely if nearing expiration dates. Check that the coolant is properly mixed and full according to the manual. Inflate tires including spares to proper pressures. Consider changing oil, and filters sooner if approaching the recommended mileage. Capture undercarriage photos documenting rust progress or damage revealed during seasonal changes. Note maintenance scheduled ahead like timing belt replacements. Ready vehicles smooth upcoming journeys rather than dread unpredictable costs from deferred upkeep.

8. Calendar Audit

Power on electronic calendars sifting through long lists categorizing. Delete expired appointments, events, and reminders no longer relevant. Archive old entries into separate folders archiving history versus cluttering present focus. Block off time requested including vacations, and appointments already scheduled. Notice lightness replacing the cluttered perception of limited bandwidth to manage busyness from external forces alone. Shift schedule aligning highest priorities versus reactions rescuing last minute crises. Create space navigating new landscapes purposefully, not reactionary drifting through changeable seasons by force alone.

9. Emergency Kit Check

Retrieve first aid kits, flashlights, batteries, bottled water, and non-perishable food stored for power outages or natural disasters. Replace expired items and replenish quantities used since the last review. Consider adding blankets, seasonal clothing layers, toiletries, important documents, and small cash. Test radios and charge portable phone chargers. Note kit locations throughout the home and vehicles for easy access anytime. Gain comfort carrying intrinsic provisions sufficient braving unexpected disruptions independently until external support arrives. Notice confidence replacing anxiety through simple preparations uplifting community resilience.

10. Compost Inventory

Check compost pile breaking down food scraps, foliage and yard waste naturally replenishing soil. Turn pile ensuring proper aeration breakdown without odors attracting pests. Note materials like leaves or fall cleanup debris requiring additional carbon materials for a balanced ratio. Add dry materials like straw, shredded paper, or cardboard as available. Harvest finished compost by spring for gardening or landscaping projects. Rediscover sustenance simply arising through nurturing Life’s constant cycles continuously elevating all beings interconnected within a shared ecosystem. Our contributions, however small, lift communities whenever freewilling is given.

Photo from Canva

Taking stock of all areas of life before the close of the year is like tidying a crowded attic. Among mementos of seasons past, one discovers hidden gems still glimmering with potential as well as clutter weighing the present moment down. This audit lifts perspectives beyond routine ledgers to see relationships, passions, and possessions with clearer eyes.

What uplifts your spirit gets carried forward lightly while outdated remnants are peacefully released to nourish elsewhere. Choices once made unconsciously in haste become intentional selections renewing focus. Space liberates for stretching freely into the unknown ahead. Though change brings melancholy parting ways with comfortable familiarity, it also births hope.

By cultivating mindfulness within ebb and flow, resilience grows deeper than circumstances. The compassion shown to all souls — human, animal, plant, and soil — fortifies bonds of care sustaining beyond any single phase. Our little provisions of care ripple far when freely given.

Who knows what lessons await embracing each transition consciously as natural law? The gifts unlocked through widened gaze find purpose energizing lives elsewhere. Lightness replaces heaviness as attachments to past definitions dissolve, leaving the soul unhindered to bloom fully present.

