Digicom is definitely the best metaverse ecosystem with the most realistic features.

7 min readFeb 7, 2023


Blockchain is a Distributed ledger technology which stores Information on several computers connected to the network across the world . Blockchain serve as storage for transaction records, been the fastest means of storing Information. Several transactions can be effected within seconds and confirmed on Blockchain which has saved several hours to days before a transaction could be executed through a centralized finance system . Blockchain is the most secured technology as it’s impossible to alter what has been recorded.

What Are Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)?
NFTs (non-fungible tokens) can represent ownership in almost anything, from digital art to virtual real estate. NFT are unique Non fungible token whose value is mainly unique to it and can not be exchanged any type NFT whatsoever. NFT helps demonstrate the right on of digital asset. A digital asset can be seen in several other places but is ownership can only be claimed by one man, such claim is brought about through NFT. NFT is built on Blockchain technology such as Cryptocurrency..

Cryptocurrency is an encrypted Decentralized digital currency which is used for several purposes. Cryptocurrency is built on Decentralized Ledger Technology (DLT) or Blockchain. Cryptocurrency has gained popularity due to it’s use cases and Decentralization. Cryptocurrency is not controlled by the government or group of person .

Metaverse is a virtual world where avatar is created as a model of real life object and person’s. This is designed such that avatars can relate with one another just as it is in the real world. Metaverse brings about social interactions among users through a virtual environment where they can meet and relate with one another. They can do many things such as play games, shop , learn new things, engage in business, engage in several social and ceremonial activities.
METAVERSE is credited to Author Neal Stephenson who visualized people as avatars interacting in virtual environment. Since the inception of metaverse, it has been going through several development to suit the current demand of a better virtual world.

Decentralization has been a long time dream which is now made possible through the advent of Blockchain where asset are no longer under the control of government or central controlling body. Blockchain technology has brought this great revolution to the world which is being accepted on a gradual process and through increased usability of Blockchain technology across many sector

Blockchain fits into almost every area of human specialization. This marvelous innovation is a great revolution in the history of the world.
Blockchain relevance is enormous however, there is a need to bridge the communication gap between users of Blockchain technology where everything will be made Decentralized . most social media medium used today as means of communication between Blockchain users are centralized. This is a great concern as social media are under central controlling influence which is subject to manipulation of any kind such as using people’s personal information without their consent, stealing people’s Information for other dubious practices. Operating Decentralized system should also extend to communication means in the cryptoverse in other to keep communication means more secured and free from human or government manipulation.

Digicom is an epitome of true Decentralization as it brings Decentralization to it’s fullest use. Digicom is a metaverse platform designed with a top notch mechanism that suits the present needs of communication gap in the cryptoverse. More also digicom is a brand new virtual world with incomparable uniqueness base a well designed structural layout that facilitates user experience, encourage virtual life functionality in an appreciable manner. Digicom is incomparable base on it’s features that have no match with others. True Decentralization coupled with commercial activities sets it outstanding. Digicom is number one metaverse anyone should know about. It is beyond what has earlier be known as it is more much advanced in operating mechanism.
Digicom has been designed to enable Decentralized communicable environment with numerous commercial activities. Digicom incorporate many technology such as metaverse, Blockchain, smart contract, cryptocurrency to achieve unusual ecosystem with the most strategic and transformative impact in the cryptoverse.

The possibility locked in metverse or virtual world is it’s amazing ability to relate with one another through a 3d virtual character known as avatar that represent individual and other properties that exist in that world. Metaverse can be regarded as second Life where users of the ecosystem can meet , interact and enjoy limitless opportunity in the metaverse . Metaverse is a world on it’s own and its discovery and design is a wonderful innovation in social interaction. Good Enough, you don’t need to leave where you are before you can participate in the virtual world or interact with the virtual environment.

Metaverse is a brand new universe discovered through technological advancement . The world is about to experience total Decentralization through the power of Blockchain. Decentralization will become the focal point of every technology in the nearest moment to come. To enable this goal to be achievable, digicom finance is designed to facilitate it’s possibility. Digicom is a special and unique metaverse project in the history of cryptoverse that stands as the best virtual world with best operating mechanism. Digicom is set to make the whole Blockchain community a global community where interaction are on a Decentralized system. Digicom is built on polygon Blockchain base on polygon distinctive characteristics such as well secured and trusted Blockchain network, smart contract, transparency, low fee, fast transaction execution and confirmation.

Digicom is definitely the best metaverse ecosystem with the most realistic features. Digicom will bring Decentralization to the forefront of the public for easy adoption having seen it’s great effect and usability. Digicom, a metaverse ecosystem is a bridge to communication gap between users across the world helping users information to be well secured from external controlling bodies, careless handling of people’s personal information, uninformed or non permitted actions on users information.
To avoid embarrassement and lost of personal information, it is quite necessary to use a mechanism that help curtailed this situation where users will have full confidence on their privacy. This is a major reason behind the push to have a good, well secured communication means which now brought to the world Through digicom.
The true essence of Blockchain technology is bring Decentralization to all, however ,this vision is yet to realize since centralized system of communication is still adopted most expecially among crypto investors across the world. A striking and threatening disadvantage associated with such type of situation is the tendency to lost confidential information to unscrupulous people.


Digicom bring Decentralization potential to the public with an amazing encryption mechanism adopted to keep users Information protected while enjoying the benefit of a second life and social interaction.
Digicom is a metaverse with an integrated commercial benefit such as trading tokens or resources acquired from the environment, use of NFT as means of ownership certification.

DLT is a technology type that records Information on Decentralized public storage. Decentralized public storage means the storage devices are in different locatiom across the world. Data are recorded base on consensus mechanism among node validators. DLT (Blockchain) is most reliable technology for information record keep and it’s use of smart contract ruled out completely the interference of human in it’s operation mechanism. Smart contract is a predefined program that runs on Blockchain that doesn’t require the help of man.

Digicom games brings the possibility of earning to it’s players by setting up competition among players, challenge between players. Through this mechanism, players can compete with others to earn reward for winning. Unlike other gaming platform, digicom reward are tradable on the market place. Every reward giving out belongs to the player and can only access it because digicom runs on a Decentralized system.

$DCOM is the native token of digicom metaverse. The possibility of earning on digicom is such an amazing offer through which users can earn more token and resources

Token Name: DCOM

Token Platform: Polygon

Token Standard: ERC20

Max. Supply (Hard Cap): 12,700,000

Burning: 7,700,000


2022 JULY :Planning and Team Building.
2022 AUG :Beginning of platform development.
2022 AUG :Deployment on Testnet for testing the platform in Alpha and Beta Version.
2022 SEP :Get Audited by Security Partners.
2022 NOVL: on exchanges like Coinsbit.
2022 DEC: Staking Pools
2023 FEB :Launch of Digicom with Swapping, Farming & Staking Facilities.
2023 MAR :Aggressive Marketing Campaign launch with Bounty Campaign on BitcoPolygo
2023 MAY :Partnership Announcements with the Financial Institutions & other Defi projects of Polygon
2023 JUN :New Liquidity pools will be added.
2023 AUG : Strategic and Fair Launchpad for new projects.
2023 NOV: Android Wallet and IOS Wallet Development

Visit the website 👉 https://digicom.finance/
Whitepaper: https://docs.digicom.finance/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/digicomfinance
Telegram: https://t.me/DigicomFinance
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/DigicomFinanceOfficial?_rdc=1&_rdr
Medium: https://medium.com/@digicom

#Digicom #Digicom #DCOM #blockchain #cryptocurrency #technology #bitcoin #money #crypto #Binance #BNB #cryptocurrencies #fintech @digicomfinance


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