Method for maintaining an ostrich belt and a lizard belt

2 min readNov 15, 2016


The durability of a belt is to see how we are usually used, there is no to care, maintenance of it. The belt like our clothes and shoes are the same, as long as we do it for regular care, usually pay attention to maintenance, the service life can be prolonged for several years! The following leather belts manufacturers to tell you some of the ostrich leather belt and lizard belt maintenance method.

Belt maintenance: first tell you about nursing need some tools used: cotton towel, cotton white gloves, leather, leather polishing and cleaning liquid, Lotion Spray, leather leather waterproof bactericidal deodorant. An ostrich item should be placed in a dry place, and the ostrich skin is afraid of wet, and it is easy to breed bacteria. Remember not to place in the strong light, especially the strong sunlight, strong sunlight will accelerate the oxidation of leather and color change. When not to store up to ensure that there is enough room for the night to sleep is best to hang up the belt, so as not to deformation.

Lizard strap maintenance: a lot of the performance of lizard skin is better than other leather goods, although it still needs our dedicated care and maintenance. Nursing tool: cotton towels, cotton white gloves, leather, leather polishing and cleaning liquid, Lotion Spray, leather leather waterproof bactericidal deodorant. Lizard Leather products are afraid of wet, too wet environment prone to bacteria, so be sure to place the belt in the dry place. Don’t spray contain chemicals such as perfumes, chemicals will damage the skin. If you get wet, be sure to wipe with a soft towel, and then placed in ventilated, dry cold no way the case can also be used hair dryer, but do not use hot air. Stick to the oil, then with ammonia, alcohol and water mixture will be cleaned, and then placed in a ventilated place.

The above is a leather belts manufacturers to tell you ostrich belt and lizard belt maintenance method, not only is the belt maintenance method as long as it is the product of this kind of leather goods can do so to maintain oh
(Original article published by leather belts manufacturers Jun Hong please indicate the source

