Getting Started with MySQL

Part 2: Basics

Junhong Wang
3 min readDec 31, 2019


I’m using this tutorial as reference.

In this part, we will learn MySQL by creating a simple Instagram database clone. You can find the complete code here.

Here’s the tables we are going to create.

  • users
  • photos
  • comments: user can comment on someone’s photo
  • likes
  • tags
  • photo_tags
  • follows

To start, let’s create a database named instagram. Then we will tell MySQL that we are going to use this database.


The schema of users table should have these fields.

  • id
  • username
  • created_at


The schema of photos table should have these fields.

  • id
  • image_url
  • user_id: id of the user who uploaded the photo
  • created_at

Note photos table has a foreign key pointing to users table. One user can have many photos. We call this one-to-many relationship.

one-to-many relationship between users and photos


The schema of comments table should have these fields.

  • id
  • comment_text
  • user_id
  • photo_id
  • created_at


The schema of likes table should have these fields.

  • user_id
  • photo_id
  • created_at


The schema of follows table should have these fields.

  • follower_id: user who is following
  • followee_id: use who is being followed
  • created_at

So here, a follower follows a followee.


To implement hashtags, we will first create a table tags, which stores all the hashtags we can add to a photo. Then we create another table photo_tags, which stores the tags associated with a photo.

So the schema of tags table should have these fields.

  • id
  • tag_name
  • created_at

And the schema of photo_tags should have these fields.

  • photo_id
  • tag_id

Note a photo can have many tags, and a tag can have many photos. This relationship between photo and tag is called many-to-many.

Case Study

We will study various commands available in MySQL through examples. To start, we will insert some data to our database.

Case study 1: Find the 5 oldest users.

case study 1: code
case study 1: output

Case study 2: What day of the week do most users register on?

case study 2: code
case study 2: output

Case study 3: Find the users who have never posted a photo.

case study 3: code
case study 3: output

Case study 4: Who posted the photo that has the most likes?

case study 4: code
case study 4: output

Case study 5: How many times does user post on average?

case study 5: code
case study 5: output

Case study 6: What are the top 5 most commonly used hashtags?

case study 6: code
case study 6: output

Case study 7: Find users who have liked every single photo on the site.

case study 7: code
case study 7: output



Junhong Wang

I'm Junhong. I'm a Software Engineer based in LA. I specialize in full stack web development and writing readable code.