commodifying emotion

7 min readNov 12, 2022


a brief look at one particular segment of a widely financialised economy

Have you ever used a dating site before? If you did it was probably for meeting someone an building an intimate relationship. According to google, the reason for people using dating sites is to find quote “like-minded people” or matches. And it is clear that the internet portray the use of dating apps as all positive. For example one site suggest that Meeting people and falling for them can lead to a disappointment since you barely know them. But online dating apps allow you to read through.

Which basically means that meeting someone in real life can be very unexpected since you do not know the person very well at first. And that online dating site solve this problem since you first look through someone’s profile before meeting them. Another online post by the telegraph named six reason you should consider online dating, suggest that with online dating, you’re in charge of everything from what information you put out there to how you’re contacted. Basically the internet overall has a positive view point on the whole about online dating.

And this might be understandable as more and more people now rely on online dating to help them find partners. In fact it is predicted that in the future, there will be more people using dating sites to find partners than people relying on traditional ways of finding partners. But before discussing the deficient side of this topic, let’s first look at why the facts are happening. Why are more and more people going digital when it comes to intimacy. The answer can be easily guessed when looking at other related aspects. One thing that is kind of true is the previously mentioned.

Which is that online dating solves the problem of not knowing people well enough since you first look at someone’s profile online before meeting them. Which is fairly true. Getting to know someone can take a very long while and may not even be beneficial in the long run. However, going digital allows you to instantly know the person first. Since they have their detailed profile for you to first read through. What this basically means is that online dating is faster and quicker. And So people are choosing it over any other alternative.

Now if you red my previous published story called the foundation of money and wealth. You will now that money is earned when a problem is solved. Or in other words you earn money by solving a problem. We know that people choose online dating because it is faster but why do they want to and more notably will be willing to pay for alternatives that are faster. Well because they simply have no time. In my other story called urban and rural life, I discussed how urban areas are design for a fast paste life and that the world urban population is growing. Which considers other aspect of living.

And since today the vast majority of people are living in cities, the vast majority of people are used to a fast paste life. I say that this is also linked to other aspect of life as it extend to other necessities or needs that people may have. For example everything is prepackaged from food to furniture to devices to clothes. Meaning that if you want anything you just buy it already prepackage ready for consumption saving you time. And it is this instant gratification that people are used to in places like cities. And the reason why people are used to this is simply work. In the city everyone is working the so called nine to five job.

Meaning there is no time really. And this help to understand that use of dating app compare to traditional form of dating. Since Online dating is quicker. This also help to see the coalition. Online dating is expected to increase in the future and urban population is also set to increase in the future. And we know that in urban areas, people are looking for quicker alternatives for everything. And since online dating is a quicker alternative to other forms of dating, we now see why it is set to increase in the future. So in other world more people will turn to online dating because more people will be living in cities.

So now that we know why the fact is clear, what could be the argument? Well it can be identify by taking a look at the title of the story. You see, the owners of the dating sites or dating platforms are businesses just like any other business out there. Meaning that just like any other business out there, their main goal is profit. And the way these sites make money is via their subscription. You, the client, will pay to have access to the profile and details of potential matches every month or so. Now the reason why you are on the site is so that you could find your so called match. And you pay a subscription for that.

However, if you do find your match you will have no more need to keep you subscription and thus you will cancel it. And this will represent a lost for the dating site. So to summarize, your aim and the aim of the site are diametrically oppose. You what to quickly find your so call match so that you will stop spending money on the site as quick as possible. The site on the other hand, wants you to keep your subscription for as long as possible since that ensure them profit. Which leads us to the first problem with online dating. Which is that the profile you may see on them aren’t real.

And not just in the literal sense. Sure there are lots of fake profile and romance scams happening on dating sites even on the most famous once. But what this also means is that what people could be posting isn’t the reality. Anyone can say things about themselves that aren’t really true. Anyone can call themselves nice, open-minded, passionate, a positive person etc. And it can simply not be the case. The truth is that if you really want to know about someone, don’t listen to what they say but look at what they do. Observing someone will make you know the person more than listening to them or their claims. And this is where traditional dating is advantageous compare to online dating

And so any logical though will assume that if the aim of a site or a platform is to help people find their so call match, they will ensure that whatever is been posted on their customer’s site is true. Since that will ensure that they truly do find a so call match. But as previously mention the goal is profit. meaning that the site could not really be less concern about what is been posted on profiles. And this is what you should be aware of. Think of the way you view anything that you consider a waste of money. You should have the same view point on any dating site you use. Because they are all part of the same system.

A system design to keep you working non stop. By ensuring that you have your everyday lifestyle of mindless consumption keep up with. And you will only want to keep up with that lifestyle of mindless consumption in order to be well fit to carry on working non stop. In order to afford that lifestyle of mindless consumption. The point here is that we live in a consumer-based economy. It does not matter whether you really need what it is that you are spending money on. All that matters is that you are spending money. And this is why you should question dating site.

In addition, it is also very likely that the reason for most of the usage of dating sites is compulsion. You have to know that anything that gives you a relief of comfort can be addictive. And i say this because most people do not realize this partially because it is not something that everyone that used dating site deal with, but it is still worth noting this fact. Some people can have a habit of constantly seeking to engage in new relations all the time. Why? because each time you engage in a relation, you have this relief of comfort that makes you feel good. then end that relation and engage in a new relation which again will give you that feeling of relief and you will end that relation once again to engage in a new one which will once again make you feel good.

Each time that you engage in a relation it makes you feel good and it is that good feeling that you are now constantly seeking. that temporary hit of pleasure that you get each time that you engage in a relationship becomes a dependency or a sort of addiction. And this is that reason why the vast majority of people have this so called “ex” which they will leave for a new partner and then leave that new partner for another one and carry on the process of constantly seeking to engage in new relations. Because again it is not the person they are seeking. But this relief of comfort or dopamine as it is sometime called that they get each time that they engage in a relation.

This feeling of comfort is that same feeling of comfort that you get from smoking, drinking, gambling etc. Meaning that it can be very addictive. And this is never more true than on dating sites. Because they are design exactly for that purpose. Since the more you are in that state, the more you will want to be on those site and thus spend money on them. This is why it is commercializing your emotion. So to recap, what you should consider in mind is that dating site are just another tool to keep you mindlessly spending money. And that when it come to dating you should be cautious because it could be addictive and if there is one thing that we know that addiction is that it leads to depression.

